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人兽性交 Designated Hate Group
The group's leaders, from Duke to current chief Thomas Robb, have been plagued by their own racist views, which inevitably shine through the smokescreen, and by the attacks of other Klan members who view their interest in mainstream media and politics as hypocritical and counterproductive. In Its...
Where most present-day Klan groups splash pictures and news of their activities on their websites and online forums, the Brotherhood of Klans is exceptionally secretive, in the tradition of Klan groups of yesteryear, offering scant details of its actions online and conducting serious background...
人兽性交 Designated Hate Group
IKA's headquarters and compound in Dawson Springs, Ky., have long served as the venue for the hate-rock gathering Nordic Fest. In Its Own Words "WE BELIEVE that the Man Adam (a Hebrew word meaning: ruddy, to show Blood, flush, turn rosy) is father of the White Race only. As a son of God (Luke 3:38...
人兽性交 Designated Hate Group
As disorganized as the Indiana-based group may be, it is still dangerous, as evidenced by a 2001 murder and plot linked to National Knights members in North Carolina. In Its Own Words "What We Believe. The WHITE RACE: The irreplaceable hub of our nation, our Christian Faith, and the high levels of...