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Alex Jones

Alex Jones is almost certainly the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America.

About Alex Jones

Since the founding of the far-right radio and internet conspiracy website Infowars, Alex Jones has made a name for himself peddling wild antigovernment conspiracy theories. Jones鈥 most notable conspiracies revolve around national tragedies and terrorist attacks he labels as 鈥渇alse flag鈥 operations. With millions of regular viewers and over two decades on the air, Jones has created a financial and brand empire out of selling misinformation and disinformation, as well as self-help dietary products. His uncorroborated reporting has led to many innocent people being harassed by internet trolls both online and in person. His politically charged stunts have made headlines, and by 2021, his calls for Trump supporters to protest the Biden presidency helped fuel the Jan. 6 insurrection on the U.S. Capitol building. Jones is one of the most prolific and influential conspiracy theorists in contemporary America.

In his own words

鈥淐hildren are being taught with drag queen story time that a big fat man in a clown outfit is a woman. I鈥檓 sorry. That鈥檚 not a woman. That鈥檚 a big fat man or a little boy dressed up like a girl. This is all very, very sexualization of children.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 Feb. 20, 2022

鈥淎re there some really evil, wicked Jews, and wicked Jewish mafia out there? Absolutely. The Jewish mafia created the ADL in 1913 when a pedophile raped and killed a little girl, and they didn't like the fact that he got in trouble, so they said, 鈥榃e鈥檙e founding this organization to do this.鈥 And that鈥檚 who the ADL is. And it鈥檚 an evil organization, it鈥檚 very anti-American, who gives awards to George Soros, a Nazi collaborator, and award to Arnold Schwarzenegger who on record told Rolling Stone he loves Hitler.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 Feb. 3, 2022

鈥淭he system is publicly stealing this election from the biggest landslide and the biggest political realignment since 1776.鈥 鈥 Alex Jones, Million MAGA March, Dec. 12, 2020

鈥淲e will never back down to the Satanic pedophile, globalist New World Order and their walking-dead reanimated corpse Joe Biden, and we will never recognize him.鈥 鈥 Alex Jones, Million MAGA March, Dec. 12, 2020

鈥淲e understand the globalist false flag operation plan for next week. We all wonder, 鈥榃hy did [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi rush impeachment then hold it back for almost a month?鈥 They were lining it up for Martin Luther King Day because a yearly gun march, it鈥檚 happened for 20 years in Virginia at the Capitol. They鈥檙e planning to stage mass shootings, bombing or false flags to try to turn the American people against gun owners and President Trump.鈥 鈥 鈥淎lex Jones Show,鈥 Jan. 18, 2020

鈥淲hen Muslims strike out and bomb churches or shoot up churches every Christmas, every Easter, all over the world, and run down whole families with vehicles, we鈥檙e told, 鈥業t鈥檚 not Muslims,鈥 so that鈥檚 going to cause unhinged people to get violent.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 March 2019

鈥淲e have sources who have told us the same thing 鈥 that they鈥檙e preparing to completely take you off the monopoly internet, 96% of it is Apple, Google, Facebook Twitter and their subsidiaries 鈥 and that you are going to be taken off the air. There鈥檚 going to be a huge fight, a debate about it, people are going to agree that you鈥檝e been wronged, and then there鈥檚 going to be a terror attack, a group of terror attacks, on the media, on social media, using firearms, they鈥檙e going to stage a right-wing uprising, which they鈥檙e going to completely stage.鈥 鈥 鈥淎lex Jones Show,鈥 Aug. 6, 2018

鈥淣othing against Jews in general, but there are leftist Jews that want to create this clash and they go dress up as Nazis. I have footage in Austin 鈥 we're going to find it somewhere here at the office 鈥 where it literally looks like cast of聽鈥楽einfeld鈥櫬爋r like Howard Stern in a Nazi outfit. They all look like Howard Stern. They almost got like little curly hair down, and they鈥檙e just up there heiling Hitler. You can tell they are totally uncomfortable, they are totally scared, and it鈥檚 all just meant to create the clash.鈥 鈥斅

鈥淚 want to tell Congressman Schiff and all the rest of them 鈥 Hey listen asshole 鈥 listen you son of a bitch, what the fuck is your problem? You want to sit here and say that I鈥檓 a goddamn fucking Russian. You get in my face with that, I鈥檒l beat your goddamn ass, you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fucking goddamn fucker. Listen fuck head, you have fucking crossed a line. Get that through your goddamn fucking head. Stop pushing your shit. You鈥檙e the people that have fucked this country over and gang-raped the shit out of it and lost an election. So stop shooting your mouth off claiming I鈥檓 the enemy. You got that you goddamn son of a bitch? Fill your hands. I鈥檓 sorry, but I鈥檓 done. You start calling me a foreign agent, those are fucking fighting words. 鈥 He鈥檚 sucking globalist dick.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 April 4, 2017

鈥淚magine how bad she [Hillary Clinton] smells, man? I鈥檓 told her and Obama, just stink, stink, stink, stink. You can鈥檛 wash that evil off, man. Told there鈥檚 a rotten smell around Hillary. I鈥檓 not kidding, people say, they say 鈥 folks, I鈥檝e been told this by high-up folks. They say listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur. 鈥 I鈥檝e talked to people that are in protective details, they鈥檙e scared of her. And they say listen, she鈥檚 a frickin鈥 demon and she stinks and so does Obama. I go, like what? Sulfur. They smell like hell.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 Oct. 10, 2016

鈥淥bama is hardcore Wahhabist; he is al-Qaeda.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 Jan. 6, 2016

鈥淎 lot of liberal women, as you know, the new thing is having a jihadi. 鈥 There鈥檚 nothing sexier than a jihadi because it鈥檚 so fun to have him step on your head and kick you in the gut. Now, if the man treats you good and loves Jesus, he鈥檚 bad. But if he kicks you in the teeth and stomps on you, it鈥檚 liberal, it鈥檚 trendy, you go smoke hookah with him, and it鈥檚 fun.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 Feb. 8, 2016

鈥淗umanity has got to get off-world. We need access to the life-extension technologies. Talk about discrimination, forget skin color. I want the advanced life-extension! I want to go to space! I want to see interdimensional travel! I want what God promised us and I won鈥檛 sit here and watch Satan steal it!鈥濃 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 March 16, 2016

鈥淲e鈥檙e going to return the republic. We鈥檒l never be perfect but my God we鈥檙e not going to keep babies alive and harvest their organs. We鈥檙e not going to sell their parts for women鈥檚 cosmetics. We鈥檙e not gonna have Pepsi with baby flavoring in it.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 Dec. 8, 2015

鈥淪ame-sex marriage is sold as a civil right. And I believe that people as individuals 鈥 I鈥檓 a libertarian 鈥 have the right to do what they want as long as it doesn鈥檛 hurt others. And I鈥檓 not obsessed with the subject like people on different sides of the debate are. But clearly, from the eugenicist/globalist view, and they've written textbooks on it, you can look them up, they [the globalists] want to encourage the breakdown of the family, because the family is where people owe their allegiance. That鈥檚 why they want to get rid of God. Not because they鈥檙e atheists, but because they want the state to be God. And so they are taking the rights of an ancient, unified program of marriage and they are breaking it.鈥 鈥斅, June 2013

鈥淚鈥檓 here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms! It doesn鈥檛 matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street, begging to have their guns taken. We will not relinquish them! Do you understand?鈥 鈥 CNN鈥檚 鈥,鈥 Jan. 7, 2013

鈥淚 have deep context for every claim I make. I know some people say I exaggerate, but I believe everything I say. It鈥檚 just that the denial is so strong, the apathy so deep, that people need something to shake them out of their morass. We鈥檙e like flowers who naturally turn toward the sun, and the globalists want us turned toward Hollywood and the TV so they can poison us.鈥 鈥 Quoted in聽Rolling Stone, March 2011

鈥淭hen they鈥檒l release the big one, and they鈥檒l kill probably half the population of the United States. Folks, I鈥檓 telling you right now, I鈥檓 sure of it. They鈥檙e going to stage terror attacks. I will be very surprised if they don鈥檛 stage something by the end of this year.鈥 鈥 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show,鈥 Feb. 13, 2009


Alex Jones has been dubbed 鈥渢he most paranoid man in America鈥 by聽Rolling Stone聽and the 鈥渒ing of conspiracy鈥 by CNN. Jones is notorious for epic rants about 鈥淣ew World Order鈥 plots for world government, enforced eugenics, secret internment camps, militarized police and behind-the-scenes control by a global corporate cabal. In his estimation, the only way to avert this dystopian future is if true patriots resist before it is too late, and his tens of thousands of acolytes are taking heed, building bunkers, hoarding food and investing in precious metals 鈥 and, in some cases, resorting to violence.

His principal venue is Infowars, which peddles an extensive line of self-produced videos, 鈥渄ocumentaries鈥 that purport to prove a whole array of conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks, secret government concentration camps, and common antigovernment conspiracy theories and beliefs. Infowars operates under the parent company Free Speech Systems LLC and is distributed by the Genesis Communications Network.

Some of these ideas, in line with the conspiracy propagandist ideology, have come to define the Infowars brand. Falsehoods around the true purposes of the United Nations (U.N.), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and health supplements are just some of the key components that have formed the foundation for the Infowars empire. Infowars has attacked global and domestic political institutions for years, asserting without evidence that such organizations as the U.N. are flooding the U.S. with immigrants.

Likewise, Infowars has popularized antigovernment conspiracies like that of the 鈥渄eep state,鈥 an idea that asserts a cabal of shadowy liberal elites is currently working to destroy America from within the government. The deep state is one of several conspiracies the outlet pushes; other long-running themes have included attacks on such agencies as FEMA, which Infowars has claimed is a network of prison camps being built to hold American citizens.

Jones has falsely and repeatedly claimed that shadowy groups within the U.S. government orchestrated 鈥 or at least refrained from preventing 鈥 the bombing of Oklahoma City鈥檚 Murrah Federal Building; the 9/11 attacks; the Boston Marathon massacre; the mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut; and the 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

In addition to being the king of conspiracies, Jones has made the Infowars brand synonymous with health supplements, an area Jones expanded into in 2013. As in 2017, the Infowars empire appears to bring in a significant amount of money through its supplement page on the site. With a wide variety of products that claim to provide health benefits, from DNA Force Plus to Brain Force Plus and Super Male Vitality, the options, at a glance, appear to be almost endless. , after carefully reviewing some of the Infowars supplements they found most products were 鈥渁 waste of money.鈥 Although the products didn鈥檛 appear to pose any major health risks to consumers, the independent lab tests conducted by San Francisco-based lab Labdoor found no justifiable reason to pay the markup prices for Jones鈥 supplements, which cost an average of $30 each.

Through Jones鈥 diversified ventures even in the face of social media bans and lawsuits, he has managed to turn Infowars into one of the most prominent propaganda outlets of our time.

Early life

Born in Dallas, Texas, on Feb. 11, 1974, Jones, by his own account, had a typical suburban upbringing in a home where his father was a dentist and his mother a homemaker. He attended Austin鈥檚 Anderson High School, played football, smoked pot and did a lot of reading. One of the most influential books from his teenage years was聽None Dare Call It Conspiracy, a 1971 book by John Birch Society public relations representative Gary Allen that Jones still cites as 鈥渢he quintessential primer to understand the New World Order.鈥 The book sold 5 million copies and laid out the conspiracy that international bankers financed the communist revolution in Russia as an experiment and then moved to the next phase, attempting to impose global government, centralized monetary policies, income taxes and mass social welfare programs that would keep the populace dependent and subservient.

Near the end of Jones鈥 senior year in high school, he appears to have been influenced by notable events that affected many in the growing antigovernment movement. About 100 miles from Austin, the federal siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, ended in a tragic April 1993 firestorm. The events in Waco had a galvanizing effect on Jones. Dropping out of Austin Community College, he began hosting a viewer call-in show on Austin鈥檚 public access television (PACT/ACTV), where he honed the bombastic style that has since become his trademark.

When bomber Timothy McVeigh leveled Oklahoma City鈥檚 Murrah Federal Building in April 1995, killing 168 people in retribution for the deaths of the Waco cultists, Jones simply could not accept that McVeigh was a fellow 鈥減atriot.鈥 As聽Esquire magazine聽noted in an , Jones 鈥渋nterviewed people who said they鈥檇 seen Timothy McVeigh planting explosives with a military escort and cops who mysteriously died after telling him the government did it. Just like the Reichstag! And there was a bombing drill that morning!鈥

In 1996, Jones moved to Austin鈥檚 KJFK-FM to host a show called 鈥淭he Final Edition,鈥 where he warned of impending martial law and banged the drum to rebuild the Branch Davidian compound as a memorial to those he said were 鈥渕urdered鈥 by Attorney General Janet Reno and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). The show lasted until 1999, when, according to聽, he was fired because his views made it difficult to attract sponsors despite high ratings and winning the聽颁丑谤辞苍颈肠濒别鈥s 鈥淏est Austin Talk Radio Host鈥 reader poll that year.

Jones barely skipped a beat. He set up an ISDN line in his house and began independently broadcasting via Infowars.com and national syndication by Genesis Communications to AM, FM and shortwave stations. His reach grew quickly, and syndication soon verged on 100 stations. But when 9/11 took place, Jones鈥 repeated references to false conspiracies about the attack were too much, and cancellations poured in. 鈥淚 went on the air and said, 鈥楾hose were controlled demolitions,鈥欌 he told聽Rolling Stone. 鈥淵ou just watched the government blow up the World Trade Center.聽I lost 70 percent of my affiliates that day. Station managers asked me, 鈥楧o you want to be on this crusade going nowhere, or do you want to be a star?鈥 I鈥檓 proud I never compromised.鈥

An unsuccessful Republican candidate for a Texas House seat in 2000, Jones has espoused politics that are pointedly hard right. He described himself as an 鈥渁ggressive constitutionalist.鈥 He subscribes to a narrow understanding of individual liberties and adheres to a broad defense of property rights. Jones has spread the conspiracy that immigration is being ushered in by evil forces bent on destroying our society.

The Obama era

As Barack Obama was sworn in as the first Black president in January 2009, Jones expanded his repertoire of conspiracy theories to undermine government institutions and hurled ad hominem attacks at those close to the president. Unverified content became a staple of the Infowars platform, with wild allegations constantly making the rounds. Fabricated claims were ramped up and became frequent points of discussion on the show, like the idea that former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were actual demons who smelled like sulfur. Jones didn鈥檛 stop with members of Obama鈥檚 cabinet; Infowars became a platform for frequent attacks on former first lady Michelle Obama, with .

As Infowars grew and continued to spread false information through the internet and radio, Jones also seized the opportunity to diversify his outlets, going so far as to produce and release such films as Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama and The Obama Deception. Both films falsely allege the 44th president was working to undermine U.S. sovereignty in an effort establish the 鈥淣ew World Order鈥 and implement a 鈥渢otalitarian world government.鈥

During this period, Jones also adopted the birther narrative, a conspiracy theory that played on anti-Muslim tropes and nativist fears to argue that Obama was born in Kenya and was a secret Muslim conspiring to destroy the U.S. Like most conspiracy propagandists, Jones speaks of today鈥檚 pressing issues in apocalyptic terms, with the destruction of our country, and sometimes even the world, right around the corner.

Around the same time, many in the Tea Party movement also embraced the birther narrative. Tea Partiers, known best for their anti-Obama stance, support of small government, firearms, lower taxes and opposition to universal healthcare, began to champion these issues using conspiracy-fueled talking points made famous by outlets like Infowars.

The false-flag saga

Two frequent conspiracies Jones and his team at Infowars peddle include false-flag operations and so-called 鈥渃risis actors鈥 tied to events that were said to have been orchestrated by government officials.

Over the last decade, Jones has attracted a flurry of attention for his false-flag diatribes that call into question the reality of mass tragedies. These include, but are not limited to: the 2011 Tucson, Arizona, shooting that seriously wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords; the 2012 Aurora, Colorado, theater shooting that left 12 dead and wounded 70 others; the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school that left more than two dozen people dead; the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that killed three people and wounded more than 200 others; the 2015 San Bernardino, California, shooting that resulted in the death of 16; the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting that left 49 people dead at a popular 人兽性交 venue; the 2017 Las Vegas shooting that resulted in the death of 59 people; and the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17.

These conspiracies have few limits, as exemplified in early January 2011 when a 22-year-old mentally disturbed individual opened fire on a crowd in Tucson, Arizona. The shooter managed to kill six people and wound at least 14 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Days later, reports indicated the person charged with the shooting had been a fan of the Loose Change films, a series of films focused on 9/11 conspiracy theories that Jones helped produce.

When news of the incident reached Jones, the conspiracy theorist lashed out, instead choosing to dismiss the significance of the his antigovernment rhetoric and saying for the shooter鈥檚 behavior through the use of 鈥済eometric psychological warfare鈥 that can plant ideas directly into a person鈥檚 mind. According to Jones, the government must have been behind the idea of harming Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, with the overall goal of vilifying gun owners, conservatives and libertarians. Jones鈥 targeting of the federal government as an institution has only increased over the years.

Soon after, in July 2012, Jones found another opportunity to market his conspiracies. After a shooter opened fire in a crowded theater in Aurora, Colorado, with such headlines as 鈥淥verwhelming Evidence Mounts Indicating Colorado Shooting Staged.鈥 The site continued promoting the lie that the shooter had been trained by the federal government with the goal of inciting public outrage and curtailing Second Amendment rights. As a result of such fabricated theories, family members of victims reported being harassed by individuals who bought into narratives that the people killed in the theater were actors.

Cries of false-flag operations continued later that year after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. The attack, perpetrated by Adam Lanza, resulted in the death of 20 children and six adults. In the aftermath, Jones used his platform to describe the event as being 鈥渃ompletely false鈥 and went after grieving parents, saying they were 鈥渃risis actors.鈥 Jones repeatedly called the shooting a 鈥渉oax,鈥 falsely claiming the federal government was responsible for the attack. According to Infowars, the shooting was intended to sway public opinion in favor of stricter gun control measures.

The unrelenting push to label the massacre a hoax and describe it as a false-flag operation resulted in torment for the families of those killed in the attack. Online, fans of Infowars began to question the legitimacy of the incident, arguing family members were part of an elaborate act. Real-world harassment campaigns began against parents, and the 鈥渃risis actor鈥 narrative began to spread through social media platforms. After a barrage of intimidation and threats, some families were left with no other choice but to relocate, and in some cases the torment from Infowars fanatics continued for years.

Allegations that mass shooting were 鈥渉oaxes鈥 received national attention and became a running theme on Infowars. Jones continued conflating mass tragedies with dark ploys by federal agencies to vilify gun-loving conservatives and expand the authority of said agencies. The conspiracies went beyond mass shootings. In April 2013, the Tsarnaev brothers planted explosives at the 117th Boston Marathon. The bombings left three people dead and injured more than 200 others. As reports came out detailing the horrific act, , arguing instead that the bombings had been a false-flag operation intended to . Jones also reintroduced the idea that groups on the political right would be targeted for the attack, saying the FBI would find a way to blame the incident on the Tea Party. Jones鈥 fears never came to fruition, but that didn鈥檛 stop him from contriving new antigovernment conspiracy theories around major tragedies.

In 2015, Jones continued pushing out disinformation while adding an extra element to his conspiracies, anti-人兽性交 and anti-Muslim rhetoric. In December of that year, a terrorist duo linked to the Islamic State carried out a mass shooting at a center that offered services to people with disabilities in San Bernardino, California. The shooters left 14 people dead, most employees. A day after the shooting, , this time alleging the incident was a false flag where the government might have been aware the shooting was going to take place and let it happen. Jones also claimed that because California has a long history of being led by Democratic leaders, the shooting must have been part of a larger initiative. Jones said, 鈥淭hey cover up 鈥 that it鈥檚 the Islamic, turn it around and blame the Second Amendment and George Washington, instead of the very people that are doing this, mentally ill crossdresser liberals, and crazy jihadis.鈥

As false-flag narratives were infused with hate rhetoric, the disparaging attack on 人兽性交 people was highlighted best by Jones鈥 comments after the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. The venue, popular with many Latinx 人兽性交 patrons, was the site of the second-deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. It left 49 people dead and more than 53 people injured. Like with other massacres, Jones didn鈥檛 hesitate to put out his uncorroborated assertions that the government once again let the tragedy occur to pass 鈥渉ate laws to deal with right-wingers.鈥

Jones verbally attacked the victims,聽 saying, both groups were working to promote the idea of pedophilia and child abuse in the U.S.

Conspiracies around the Islamic State soon became a scapegoat for Jones and were frequently presented alongside the false-flag narrative. This theme continued into 2017, when a gunman opened fire from his hotel suite onto a crowd of concertgoers in Paradise, Nevada. The attack marks the deadliest mass shooting event in U.S. history, with 58 people killed and more than 800 injured. Jones, of course, created his own explanation and falsely labeled the shooter an 鈥渁gent of the Islamic State, a leftist activist and an anti-Trump radical.鈥 Law enforcement agencies found no evidence any of the claims made by Jones were accurate.

The continued use of misinformation would eventually catch up to Jones during the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. As news developed around the incident that left 17 dead, . This included misidentifying the shooter by sharing an image of a Massachusetts business owner who had nothing to do with the events in Parkland. . This sparked outrage from the Infowars audience and resulted in harassment campaigns being launched at Fontaine. Like with other tragedies, Jones also went after the survivors of the massacre, insinuating they could have been 鈥渃risis actors鈥 and part of a 鈥渄eep state false-flag operation.鈥

The attack set off the far right after survivors responded to the tragedy by kick-starting a national movement to call for gun reform. Unsurprisingly, Jones was unrelenting in characterizing the victims as 鈥渁ctors,鈥 that he believed, were being 鈥渃oached鈥 to attack the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. Jones directed much of the vitriol at one student in particular, David Hogg, who was 17 at the time and later became the one of the main faces of the anti-gun violence . , was accused by Jones of potentially being part of a larger 鈥渃over-up鈥 to push an anti-gun agenda.

Lawsuits pile up

As the prominence of Infowars grew, so did the lawsuits in response to the materials circulated by Jones and his staff. Cases in recent years include:

Chobani Yogurt: In April 2017, the yogurt company . Hamdi Ulukaya, founder of Chobani, sought legal remedies following accusations made on Infowars.com and 鈥淭he Alex Jones Show.鈥 Statements targeting the yogurt factory in Twin Falls, Idaho, alleged the factory was 鈥渋mporting migrant rapists鈥 and was to blame for a rise in tuberculosis cases in the area. None of the accusations made by Jones or Infowars checked out.

Ulukaya, who started Chobani in 2007, moved to the U.S. in 1994 to study English and has since been an advocate for people immigrating to the U.S. Over the years, Ulukaya has employed hundreds of refugees coming to the U.S. from such countries as Iraq, Afghanistan and Turkey. As a result of the misinformation being peddled by Jones and Infowars, Ulukaya and his company received a flurry of online harassment.

In May 2017, Jones settled the defamation case brought forth by Chobani and issued an apology on his radio show. In the apology, Jones admitted Chobani had been mischaracterized and agreed to redact statements previously published by his outlet, agreeing to not repost the baseless claims.

Unite the Right (UTR):聽The 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017 brought together a collection of white nationalists, neo-Nazis and militia extremists to protest the city council鈥檚 plans to remove the monument of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. In the chaos neo-Nazi sympathizer James Alex Fields Jr. plowed his car into counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring more than 30 other people.

During the ordeal, Brennan Gilmore, a Charlottesville resident and counterprotester, used his cellphone to film the attack and upload it to Twitter. His video went viral and was picked up by Infowars and other far-right conspiracy platforms. In the suit, Infowars is alleged to have shared content that insinuated Gilmore had ties to billionaire philanthropist George Soros, as well being linked to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The platform then accused Gilmore of previously helping overthrow the Ukrainian government before sparking chaos in Charlottesville with the goal of getting former President Trump out of office.

Gilmore attributed the wave of harassment and threats he received to the narrative created by Jones and his supporters. This included doxxing campaigns targeting Gilmore and other members of his family and sparked 鈥渁n overwhelming volume of hate mail and death threats, hacking attempts, and even in-person harassment on the streets of Charlottesville,鈥 according to the complaint.

Gilmore argued Jones and other extremists used his employment background and ties to Democratic politicians, as well as to the State Department, to vilify him and use him as a scapegoat to create distance between Jones鈥 extremist beliefs and Heyer鈥檚 death.

In March 2022, Jones settled the defamation suit and agreed to pay Gilmore $50,000.

Employees go to EEOC:聽Complaints around Infowars didn鈥檛 stem only from the outside; in February 2018, two former employees filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Rob Jacobson and Ashley Beckford, two former staffers, filed complaints with the federal agency after both individuals alleged they were subjected to harassment including racial and gender discrimination.

In the complaints, Jacobson claimed Jones and other staff frequently mocked and ridiculed him because of his Jewish background. He also claimed he was referred to as 鈥淭he Jewish Individual,鈥 鈥淭he Resident Jew鈥 and 鈥淵acobson鈥 while also being subjected to inappropriate pranks, sometimes involving other staff displaying gay porn on his work computer. According to the complaint, Jacobson eventually complained of his working conditions only to be met with retaliation in the form of being passed over for promotions and eventually being fired.

Beckford, the second employee, complained of similar mistreatment. According to her complaint, Beckford claimed she was subjected to racial epithets, denied an equivalent salary to her white coworkers, and sexually harassed until she spoke out and was eventually terminated. Like Jacobson, Beckford points to instances where she claims Jones and other staff members made inappropriate comments because of her skin tone as well as recalling an instance where she says a producer called her a 鈥渃oon.鈥

The cases are still pending.

Misidentifying a shooter:聽In February 2018, Marcel Fontaine, a Boston resident, was thrown into the spotlight after Infowars identified him as the shooter in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in Parkland. In the suit, filed in April of that year, Fontaine鈥檚 attorney argued his client was targeted online and faced threats after an image of the plaintiff was circulated by Infowars. The suit named Infowars LLC, Free Speech Systems LLC and Infowars writer Kit Daniels as defendants. Fontaine sued arguing he had suffered defamation and emotional distress.

Sandy Hook lawsuit:聽After 20 children were killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre, Infowars was a main propagator of conspiracy theories surrounding the killings. After peddling the idea that children killed in the shooting were 鈥渃risis actors,鈥 the families of two of the victims filed two separate lawsuits accusing Jones of defamation. , Infowars and Free Speech Systems LLC in April 2018 seeking $1 million in damages. In addition to Jones, Infowars and Free Speech Systems, Heslin also included Infowars personality Owen Shroyer in his suit.

In the fallout of the Sandy Hook shooting, Pozner accused Jones of using the incident to push his own agenda, arguing the shooting was part of an act to attack Second Amendment rights. Allegations Jones made included pushing the ideas that the individuals killed were 鈥渃risis actors,鈥 that the shooting was 鈥渟taged,鈥 and that the deaths were 鈥渇ake.鈥 These actions inevitably led to large-scale harassment that included doxing, stalking, online harassment and threats. The harassment campaigns became so toxic that Pozner eventually moved his family to a new area in hopes of getting away from the turmoil. To his dismay, the harassment didn鈥檛 end, and conspiracy theorists continued stalking Pozner, even going so far as to track him down during his court appearances.

Like with Pozner and De La Rosa, whose son Noah was killed in the shooting, after Infowars began disseminating misinformation about the Sandy Hook shooting. In his suit, Heslin said Jones accused him of 鈥.鈥

Families rally against Jones:聽The lawsuits surrounding coverage of the Sandy Hook shooting only continued after . The families of six slain children and agent William Aldenburg, who was on the scene on the day of the shooting, accused Jones and his team of amplifying falsehoods and conspiracies which resulted in harassment and abuse to the family members. The suit also named additional defendants including Wolfgang Halbig; Prison Planet TV LLC, another one of Jones鈥 outlets; Cory Sklanka, Halbig鈥檚 associate; Genesis Communication Network Inc.; and Midas Resources.

The suit cited Halbig, a conspiracy theorist and former Infowars contributor, as one of the main purveyors of targeted harassment. Halbig was known for confronting family members in real life, releasing their personal information, taunting families online and insinuating Aldenburg was a crisis actor. , Halbig was arrested in January 2020 and charged with unlawful possession of personal identification after he 鈥渞epeatedly emailed Mr. Pozner鈥檚 Social Security number, date of birth and other information to a long list of recipients.鈥 Halbig was released after posting $5,000 cash bond.

Scarlett Lewis stands firm:聽Apart from the lawsuit Neil Heslin filed after the death of his son, Jesse Lewis, , Infowars LLC and Free Speech Systems LLC in October 2018. In the suit, Lewis charged that the defendants mocked her and other families after victims died in the Sandy Hook shooting. Lewis argued that the harassment campaigns continued for years, resulting in emotional distress.

The Sandy Hook judgments:聽As the cases moved forward, Jones鈥 legal team took a hit when in Oct. 2019, Judge Scott Jenkins of Travis District Court in Texas imposed monetary sanctions after Jones鈥 legal team failed to produce necessary legal documents for discovery in the Jones v. Heslin case. As a result, Jones was ordered to pay approximately $25,000 to Heslin鈥檚 legal team for their time in preparing for the discovery phase that never happened.

Jones鈥 lack of cooperation and refusal to provide necessary records ultimately backfired when in December 2019, to cover legal fees and court expenses. The total was broken down in two parts. First, Jones was ordered to pay Heslin $65,825 after failing to provide a list of witnesses and crucial documentation needed for the case. Second, Judge Jenkins issued a separate order requiring Jones to pay Heslin $34,323 in legal fees after Jones tried and failed to get the case dismissed.

To Jones鈥 dismay, in the Pozner/De La Rosa and Heslin cases in the Civil District Court of Travis County, Texas. Jones and Infowars were found liable for all damages and ordered to pay a yet to be determined amount for his consistent spread of conspiracies and misinformation around the Sandy Hook shooting. Jones鈥 loss came after he failed to provide documents needed for the discovery and depositions.

Pepe and copyright infringement:聽The Sandy Hook trials are just one kind of lawsuit that Jones and his network have faced in recent years. In addition to the numerous defamation cases filed by Sandy Hook parents, in , creator of the popular internet character Pepe the Frog. Furie sued Infowars and Free Speech Systems LLC for copyright infringement after, he says, the outlet began selling and profiting off internet products . Jones and Furie eventually settled out of court with to Furie, with $14,000 going to Furie and $1,000 going to the amphibian conservatory Save the Frogs.

Infighting at Infowars:聽Cases continued to pile up for Jones after former Infowars D.C. Bureau Chief Jerome Corsi, with the help of Larry Klayman, . Additional defendants included Infowars personality and reporter Owen Shroyer, and David Jones, Alex Jones鈥 father. In the suit, Corsi alleged Jones and Infowars associate Roger Stone made defamatory statements questioning the state of his mental health. At one point, Corsi was getting dragged into the Russian collusion investigation led by Robert Mueller. As The Daily Beast reported in 2019, Corsi hinted he might cooperate, prompting swift backlash from far-right figures such as Jones and Stone and kickstarting the infighting between conspiracy theorists. As of June 2022, .

Jones sues Jan. 6 House committee:聽Aside from spreading conspiracies through Infowars, Jones was one of main propagators of the Big Lie after the 2020 election, driving him and other extremists to D.C. on Jan. 6. Jones, who had been touring the country voicing his outrage over what he called election fraud, was present outside the Capitol building on the day of the insurrection. As a result, . As investigations remain active, the committee has focused on a series of Trump rallies that rallied crowds ahead of the insurrection, seeking to collect information on participants and donors as well as to assess whether there was any level of coordination between organizers and members of Congress. Jones responded by suing the Jan. 6 House Committee, arguing he had no intentions of handing over his phone or other related documents. In late January 2022, when called on to give his testimony of the events preceding the insurrection by the House Committee,

By spring 2022, the families involved in the Sandy Hook lawsuit hit a new obstacle when against the defamation suits. Jones, who filed for bankruptcy protection in Texas, encouraged his followers to support him via product purchases on Infowars.com. Jones argued that his plethora of legal battles had left him in a bad financial state, and he estimated his assets to be around $50,000 while facing liabilities between $1 million and $10 million. Skeptics argued Jones鈥 move to file for bankruptcy is an .

Alongside Infowars, two other Jones companies, Prison Planet TV and IW Health, also filed for bankruptcy. Naturally, the allegations left some of the families questioning the legitimacy of Jones鈥 claims, but the decision to file for bankruptcy came after .

The April 2022 lawsuit was filed by Neil Heslin, Scarlett Lewis, Leonard Pozner and 聽Veronique De La Rosa 鈥 who are the parents of two of the slain Sandy Hook children -- along with Marcel Fontaine, the innocent man Jones misidentified as the Parkland shooter. Defendants include Jones, Infowars LLC, Free Speech Systems LLC, PQPR Holdings Limited LLC, JLJR Holdings LLC, PLJR Holdings LLC, Carol Jones, David Jones, PQPR Holdings LLC, JLJR Holdings Limited LLC, AEJ Holdings LLC and AEJ Trust 2018.

Plaintiffs argued that Jones diverted large sums of money to shell companies 鈥渙wned or operated directly or indirectly by Jones, his parents, and his children through an alphabet soup of shell entities.鈥

the families are hoping to attain a court order to 鈥渧oid the transfers and an injunction barring Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, from transferring assets in the future.鈥 The Sandy Hook families and Fontaine allege the Jones debtors diverted his assets, pointing to a timeframe between 2018 and 2021 when Jones drew $18 million from Free Speech Systems on top of his yearly salary of $600,000. The lawsuit highlights that the draws occurred at a time when Free Speech Systems was operating at a net loss.

A key observation outlined in the suit highlights a questionable debt Jones is alleged to have owed PQPR, totaling $54 million. The lawsuit alleges that PQPR can be traced back to Jones鈥 relatives and that the company filed a UCC Financing Statement claiming a security interest only about three months after the appellate decision allowed the Sandy Hook and Fontaine defamation cases against Jones to proceed.

The supposed $54 million debt would claim everything owned by Free Speech Systems, and details appear to show that even with the outstanding debt, Free Speech Systems and PQPR continued to do business for a seven-year period. Plaintiffs allege the transfer of money from Jones to debtors began only after the defamation cases against Jones began moving forward. Regular transfers from Free Speech Systems to PQPR were initiated the month the default judgment was rendered.

Platforming hate

The creation of Infowars has opened the door for a one-stop shop where extremists have found a home and platform to voice their dangerous and bigoted views. Over the years, Infowars has embraced a wide range of extremists including antigovernment militia leaders and KKK members.

Stewart Rhodes frequently made appearances on Infowars, where he spread antigovernment propaganda to the Infowars audience. Rhodes, leader of the militant group the Oath Keepers, gained national notoriety after members of his group helped storm the Capitol building on Jan. 6. Members who were present that day now face a wide range of charges including, but not limited to, seditious conspiracy and obstruction of an official proceeding.

In the days leading up to the general election, where he threw out the baseless claim that polls needed to be monitored in case far-left groups mobilized to threaten Trump voters. , Rhodes also peddled the notion that liberals were going to try and steal the election from Trump, an idea that was bolstered and eventually became known as the 鈥淏ig Lie.鈥

Rhodes isn鈥檛 the only antigovernment extremist to become a regular guest on Infowars. The antigovernment novelist and conspiracy theorist Matthew Bracken is frequently brought on to give his take on issues related to immigration, Islam and government overreach. , peddling fears around gun confiscations and Sharia law. His novels are filled with sexual violence and anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim tropes, always circling back to the idea that an invasion from foreigners poses an existential threat to the U.S.

Although Jones is known to align himself with extremist leaders in the far right, he鈥檚 also helped newcomers establish themselves and cultivate a following. Kaitlin Bennett, better known as the Kent State gun girl, made headlines in 2018 when she open-carried an AR-15 on the Kent State University campus. , conducting interviews and attending events as a reporter for the network. Bennett eventually developed a large enough following to start her own conspiracy-fueled outlet dubbed Liberty Hangout. Through her channels and donation accounts, Bennett is now able to profit off internet content that鈥檚 engrossed in anti-人兽性交, anti-immigrant and antigovernment rhetoric. In 2020, an antifascist group published a report showing that Bennett and her now husband, . In 2016 Liberty Hangout also faced scrutiny when a poll on its .

Along with platforming conspiracy theorists, Jones has also platformed the founders of hate groups, including Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys. as the latter went into a meltdown, railing against child molesters. Gavin isn鈥檛 the only Proud Boys associate to make an appearance on Infowars; in 2020, former Infowars host and failed congressional candidate for California鈥檚 12th District, DeAnna Lorraine, interviewed Enrique Tarrio, former head of the Proud Boys. Tarrio used the opportunity to gloss over his supposed explosion in membership numbers, saying the Proud Boys had amassed 鈥22,000 members worldwide.鈥

Alongside platforming such hate figures as McInnes and Tarrio, Jones has also crossed paths with 鈥渁lt-right鈥 figure Stefan Molyneux. Molyneux, who gained a large following on such online spaces as YouTube, frequently cites pseudoscientific works to back up his hateful beliefs that non-white people are inferior to white people. Jones has not only had Molyneux on as a guest, but also helped promote his works.

Going a step further, other guests have included white supremacists like Nick Fuentes and David Duke, both of whom have appeared as guests on Infowars. Jones, who refutes claims that he is an extremist, can frequently be found alongside hate figures at counterprotests and other events. More recently, Jones was present with other far-right leaders in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021, the day of the Capitol insurrection.

The constant platforming of hate figures, combined with incessant spread of conspiracy theories, has resulted in an all-out ban of Infowars from mainstream online spaces. , when major tech companies banned Jones, Infowars and associated channels for violating terms of service. Today such companies as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, PayPal and Apple have booted Infowars and Jones, citing his constant spread of misinformation and promotion of hate-filled narratives.

Aligning with Trump

During the four years that Trump was in office, he received overwhelming support from the far right, especially Jones, who was one of the first extremists to embrace the former president. As part of his campaign to reach out to all factions of the right, in December 2015. Jones, who is typically critical of government institutions and politicians, showered Trump with praise, saying, 鈥淢y audience, 90% of them, they support you.鈥 Trump, who appeared to be relishing the exchange, closed the interview by telling Jones: 鈥淵our reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.鈥

The unwavering support for Trump continued after the 2020 general election with Jones opting to pick up the 鈥淏ig Lie.鈥 Infowars fully adopted the narrative that election fraud must have contributed to Joe Biden鈥檚 win as the 46th president. Refusing to accept the outcome of the election, Jones and others led 鈥淪top the Steal鈥 rallies to protest the 2020 election results. At one point, Jones went on what he called the 鈥淪top the Steal Caravan,鈥 a cross-country trip with stops in several states to protest the Biden win.

These rallies and political stunts culminated in the Jan. 6 insurrection where Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building to try and stop the certification of the election results. In the days leading up to the chaos, the Infowars Parler account boasted to its 327,000 followers, saying, 鈥淭oday is the day - @alexjones leads largest patriot movement in history through Washington D.C.!鈥

In March 2021, Hatewatch broke the story that Jones had secretly become disgruntled with Trump. The outburst, made amid filming a propaganda film, detailed the disillusionment Jones was starting to feel with Trump in 2019, but was brought to light after the filmmaker was irked by what he perceived to be Jones exploiting Trump supporters for profit. The filmmaker, Caolan Robertson, told Hatewatch that Jones had previously bragged about making $60 million in 2018 and had reportedly paid Robertson $16,000 per month for his work.

As investigations into Jan. 6 continued throughout 2021, Jones was eventually subpoenaed by the Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 attack, a committee tasked with investigating the activities on the day of the insurrection and the organizers who led groups to D.C. Jones, who helped spread messaging around a supposed stolen election, arguing he was merely exercising his First Amendment right. Jones eventually testified in a closed deposition where he

Although Jones helped spread misinformation ahead of the insurrection, it is unclear to what extent Jones had a role in financing and coordinating the mayhem. , Jones has a long history of leveraging his name to help fundraise large sums of money. After raising $93,000 to rebuild the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and helping Infowars bring in more than $50,000 on a yearly basis during the Trump presidency, Jones appears to have inspired at least one heiress to help fund pro-Trump events that preceded the insurrection. Julie Fancelli, the 72-year-old heiress to the Publix supermarket chain, is reportedly a fan of Jones, leading her to donate $650,000 to organizations that rallied Trump supporters in D.C.

At least $200,000 of the donated money was deposited into a business account linked to Jones, according to the Jan. 6 House committee investigating the insurrection. Because Jones has refused to cooperate with lawsuits, his financial records have been a closely guarded secret, leaving reporters and victims of harassment left wondering just how much money Jones amassed in recent years.

In April 2022, The New York Times reported that Jones to potentially strike a deal and discuss his role in the rally that led up to the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol building.

Norm Pattis, Jones鈥 lawyer, said Jones was interested in talking to prosecutors but maintained that his client had not engaged in any 鈥渃riminal wrongdoing鈥 on Jan. 6. As part of his terms for discussion, Jones had requested immunity from prosecution.

Media blunders

In August 2011, Jones featured an article on Infowars that called the Department of Homeland Security鈥檚 鈥淚f you see something, say something鈥 terrorism-awareness campaign a racist conspiracy to 鈥渃haracterize predominantly white, middle class, politically engaged Americans as domestic extremists.鈥

The program, which actually encourages people to consider 鈥渂ehavior, rather than appearance鈥 when considering whether to report suspicious activity, entailed a series of public service announcements designed to drive home that point. What piqued Jones was a videotaped 10-minute public service announcement in which most of the 鈥渢errorists鈥 are white, while the citizens who report their suspicious activities are all minorities.

鈥淲hat do you think of [DHS鈥橾 rebranding that the terrorists aren鈥檛 Al Qaeda anymore?鈥 he said on his Aug. 18, 2011, radio show. 鈥淚t鈥檚 that veteran, it鈥檚 that gun owner, it鈥檚 that farmer 鈥 it鈥檚 that white person. Whites are the new Al Qaeda.鈥

that domestic terrorists were a major concern for the country with white supremacists composing 鈥渢he biggest chunk of our domestic terrorism portfolio overall.鈥 The findings, which were elevated in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack, pointed out that right-wing extremism has long been minimized, with much of the U.S.鈥檚 resources instead being diverted to monitoring al-Qaeda and Isis. While his style plays well with his acolytes, it has notably failed in several high-profile media appearances. During a January 2013 gun-control discussion with CNN鈥檚 Piers Morgan following the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Jones became extremely agitated and animated while shouting Morgan down.

Invited on the show partly as a result of his online petition to deport Morgan, a British citizen, because of Morgan鈥檚 support for a nationwide ban on military-style assault weapons, Jones was unrelenting from the start. He dove into a rambling diatribe involving Stalin, Hitler, Mao, black helicopters, megabanks, rape in India and psychologists who overprescribe drugs. 鈥淚鈥檓 here to tell you,鈥 he shouted, 鈥1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms! It doesn't matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street, begging to have their guns taken. We will not relinquish them! Do you understand?鈥

Several months later, in June 2013, Jones was at it again during a discussion on the BBC鈥檚 鈥淪unday Politics鈥 show about the Bilderberg Group, which was having its annual meeting in Watford, England, and is one of Jones鈥 prime villains in the globalist financial conspiracy. As the segment ended with Jones once again shouting at the top of his lungs, exasperated presenter Andrew Neil proclaimed, 鈥淵ou are the worst person I have ever interviewed,鈥 and 鈥淲e have an idiot on the show today,鈥 while twirling his fingers around his ear.

For Jones, far-right conspiracies serve as simple answers to complex real-world problems such as the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. In the initial aftermath of the terrorist attack that left three people dead and more than 260 injured, Jones used his platform to spread the baseless claim that the attack was a 鈥渇alse-flag鈥 operation. In his conspiracy, the attack must have been orchestrated by a government entity to further expand the powers of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as well as the Transportation Security Agency (TSA). Jones promulgated the notion that the bombing was an attack on civil liberties, once again depicting federal agencies as cynical and oppressive.

Such meltdowns do little to advance Jones鈥 cause with a mainstream audience. But Jones manipulates the psychological fears of the vulnerable into complete acceptance of nearly anything he says. Wrapping himself in the American flag, he invokes Thomas Jefferson and George Washington as his icons in a manipulated form of false patriotism common to the antigovernment movement.

Jones is surely most infamous for his many predictions. But, not surprisingly, his overall accuracy rate is infinitesimally low. Jones continues to see the specter of a globalist 鈥淣ew World Order鈥 in almost every major and minor event that occurs in the United States. Following the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, in early 2016, he made numerous comments claiming that some of the occupiers were likely government or 鈥淔oundation鈥 provocateurs. These supposed infiltrators, according to Jones, were acting on behalf of and at the direction of the Obama administration and globalist elites whose ultimate goal he sees as the institution of martial law and the total end to American sovereignty.

In keeping with other conspiracy propagandists in the antigovernment movement, Jones relied heavily on themes and misconceptions that cast doubt on the intentions of government institutions. During national tragedies, if questions go unanswered, individuals in government agencies at both the state and federal level are frequently singled out as potential culprits. Platforms such as Infowars use stories condemning supposed widespread corruption a foundational entry points into conspiracy theories. As Jones gained notoriety online, his campaigns grew to target not just representatives, government agencies and big-name celebrities, but also anyone who supported these entities. At best, these conspiracies have turned into the butt of online jokes, and at worst, they have endangered and tormented individuals who have been personally affected by mass tragedies.