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Kevin DeAnna

Under normal circumstances, there鈥檚 something endearing about youthful idealism. But when it comes to Kevin DeAnna, founder and recently departed head of the ultraconservative student group Youth for Western Civilization (YWC), normal circumstances do not apply.

About Kevin DeAnna

Kevin DeAnna鈥檚聽Youth for Western Civilization聽(YWC) 鈥 a far-right youth organization that he ran from 2006 to 2012 鈥 served as the institutional basis for the web-savvy white nationalist movement that would come to be known as the 鈥渁lt-right.鈥 While DeAnna faded from the public eye in 2012 after the dissolution of YWC, he continued his work in the white nationalist movement, eventually becoming one of, if not its main, ideological architect through his pseudonymous writing.

With nearly 2,000 articles written under two pseudonyms, DeAnna鈥檚 decade-long white nationalist blogger career sheds new light not only on the rise of the alt-right, but also on how white nationalists seized upon conservative institutions to build their movement.

In His Own Words

鈥淚t鈥檚 not surprising that 鈥榃estern Civilization鈥 is offensive to those who are offended by 鈥榳hite identity.鈥 Defining Western Civilization into nonexistence or defining it in universal terms amount to the same thing. It robs whites of their past, a prelude to robbing them of their future. The classical world shows whites they have a real, positive identity deeply grounded in history. Whites aren鈥檛 just a newly invented 鈥榮ocial construct.鈥欌 鈥 Kevin DeAnna (writing as 鈥淕regory Hood鈥), 鈥淲estern Civilization Is White Civilization,鈥 American Renaissance, Jan. 21, 2019.

鈥淒o you get it yet? America, your America, is finished. But you don鈥檛 have to be. It鈥檚 time to fight for what comes next. It鈥檚 time to fight for a country of our own. It鈥檚 time to stop being Americans. It鈥檚 time to start being White Men again.鈥 鈥 Kevin DeAnna (writing as 鈥淕regory Hood鈥), 鈥淎 White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans,鈥 Counter-Currents, Nov. 9, 2012.

鈥淛ames Mason writes in聽厂颈别驳别听that white advocates must think of all white people everywhere as our army. They may not volunteer, but circumstances and political action will cause them to be conscripted. For white advocates, the overall strategic objective of political activity is to聽make race the defining difference聽between various political, cultural, and social groups, as a precursor to the formation of an ethnostate, the great dream of the White Republic.鈥 鈥 Kevin DeAnna (writing as 鈥淕regory Hood鈥), 鈥淗ow to Destroy the Republican Party,鈥澛Counter-Currents, Jan. 31, 2013.

鈥淔orget about saving 鈥榗onservatism鈥 鈥 Westerners must wake to this demographic tidal wave lest their culture, people and civilization be extinguished. If they don鈥檛, every battle won or achievement made by Western Civilization is rendered pointless. And no matter how shamefully or eagerly they surrender, Westerners won鈥檛 be remembered as graceful losers 鈥 just a bunch of racists.鈥 鈥 Kevin DeAnna (writing as 鈥淛ames Kirkpatrick鈥), 鈥淟eftists Claim 鈥楪reat Replacement鈥 is a 鈥楥onspiracy Theory鈥 . . . Unless They鈥檙e Bragging About It,鈥 VDARE, July 4, 2019聽


Though Kevin DeAnna has embedded himself deep within the white nationalist movement for over a decade, his pseudonymous writing career allowed him to separate his career as one of the most prolific writers in the white nationalist movement from his work within conservative institutions. For years, DeAnna has written under the pen names 鈥淕regory Hood鈥 and 鈥淛ames Kirkpatrick.鈥 Despite writing two books, contributing to a handful of others and writing thousands of articles for sites like VDARE,聽Radix Journal, American Renaissance, and many others, DeAnna鈥檚 personas as 鈥淜irkpatrick鈥 and 鈥淗ood鈥 kept the once-conservative insider out of the public eye.

A decade before white nationalists seized upon then-candidate Donald Trump鈥檚 momentum in the 2016 election cycle to push their movement into the mainstream, DeAnna鈥檚 YWC provided the organizational infrastructure to embed a cadre of college-age far-right leaders 鈥 some of whom would later be revealed to be white nationalists聽鈥 into conservative institutions.

DeAnna, then a field representative at the聽, founded YWC in 2006, not long after graduating from college. The Leadership Institute, a well-funded organization that claims to have trained close to 100,000 future conservative leaders, such as President George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove and religions activist Ralph Reed, was DeAnna鈥檚 home base for a number of years.

YWC made its first public splash as a co-sponsor of 2009鈥檚 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the right wing鈥檚 most important annual shindig, where in 2011 DeAnna moderated a discussion on immigration. That year, close ally of the organized anti-immigrant movement and former congressman Tom Tancredo, who was YWC鈥檚 honorary chairman, called multiculturalism 鈥渢he dagger pointed at the heart of Western civilization.鈥 DeAnna matched him, saying he opposed immigration even if it鈥檚 good for the economy 鈥渂ecause it鈥檚 about our dispossession as a people.鈥

Tancredo was far from the only prominent connection DeAnna flaunted during this period. In 2011,聽, editor of the white nationalist journal American Renaissance, wrote a fundraising letter for DeAnna鈥檚 YWC in which he described DeAnna as 鈥渁n eloquent and distinguished young man who knows how important our cultural identity is.鈥 Taylor has written that when 鈥渂lacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization 鈥 any kind of civilization 鈥 disappears.鈥 DeAnna, in an accompanying letter to Taylor鈥檚 mailing list, boasted that he had 鈥渄efended western culture鈥 against a 鈥渇ar left鈥 that is trying to 鈥渄estroy our people and culture.鈥

DeAnna flirted with far-right politics for years before founding YWC. In 2006, he defined the organization鈥檚 purpose as to defend 鈥淲estern culture鈥 from the perils of 鈥渞adical multiculturalism.鈥 As an undergraduate at Virginia鈥檚 College of William and Mary, he ran聽The Remnant,聽a conservative student paper notorious for its poor treatment of women. There, he worked closely with Marcus Epstein, who later described himself as YWC鈥檚 vice president and remained close to DeAnna long after graduation.

DeAnna and several of his fellow coworkers at聽The Remnant聽were named in a 2006 lawsuit for publishing the name of a female student who had accused another student of rape. As Hatewatch聽, however, the case was ultimately voluntarily dismissed for reasons that remain unclear.

Epstein鈥檚 views on African Americans led him to have a brush with the law in 2007. While walking through the streets of Washington, D.C., he called an elderly black woman the N-word and tried to attack her. He later entered an Alford plea, which permits the defendant to claim innocence聽聽that the state has enough to prove his or her guilt. When the incident became public two years later, YWC strove to distance itself from Epstein.

DeAnna retained his position at the head of YWC until February 2012, when he issued a statement saying that he was leaving for personal and professional reasons. His departure from YWC aligned with a decision to move on from the Leadership Institute. Around that same time, DeAnna was named marketing coordinator for WorldNetDaily (WND), a far-right online publication known for its relentless anti-Obama birther propaganda and the kind of apocalyptic conspiracies that would look at home in a supermarket checkout line. (See also聽).

DeAnna wrote for WND throughout 2012 under his own byline, publishing several short pieces on a variety of topics, ranging from the 鈥渄angers鈥 posed by Islamic immigrants to Western culture to a defense of Russia鈥檚 crackdown on the dissident punk rock group Pussy Riot.

But the vast majority of DeAnna鈥檚 contributions to WND were published without a byline. Emails leaked to the 人兽性交 by former Breitbart editor Katie McHugh, which were reported by Hatewatch in early 2020, indicate that he was indeed the author of several WND publications extending into 2017.

One post authored by DeAnna 鈥 a 2015 article naming Donald Trump WND鈥檚 man of the year 鈥 was tweeted and praised by the then-presidential candidate. Other contributions to WND include a nearly 100-page report entitled聽Antifa: What Americans Need to Know About the Alt-Left, which was released shortly after the 2017 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 protests in Charlottesville, Virginia.

DeAnna鈥檚 pseudonymous contributions as 鈥淕regory Hood鈥 and 鈥淛ames Kirkpatrick鈥

As Hatewatch reported in 2020, DeAnna鈥檚 low profile after the dissolution of YWC was, in part, a result of his shift to contributing to the movement pseudonymously. These reports from Hatewatch also demonstrate that DeAnna鈥檚 ties to organized white nationalism extended further than previously believed or reported. Hatewatch identified DeAnna as the author behind two different pen names, 鈥淕regory Hood鈥 and 鈥淛ames Kirkpatrick鈥 鈥 both of which appeared in a variety of white nationalist publications.

DeAnna鈥檚 life as a pseudonymous white nationalist blogger kicked into high gear after his departure from YWC and the Leadership Institute in early 2012. But it wasn鈥檛 until he started working at WND that his career as a white nationalist commentator truly took off.

In 2008, DeAnna began writing as 鈥淗ood鈥 for American Renaissance 鈥 nearly four years before he left the Leadership Institute. Since 2008, Hatewatch observed, 鈥淗ood鈥 has contributed nearly 500 articles to a variety of prominent white nationalist publications, including American Renaissance, the National Policy Institute鈥檚聽Radix Journal, and Counter-Currents. His first book,聽Waking Up from the American Dream, was released by Counter-Currents in 2016.聽

The same investigation found that DeAnna also wrote under the pseudonym 鈥淛ames Kirkpatrick,鈥 beginning in fall 2011. DeAnna鈥檚 work as 鈥淜irkpatrick鈥 was largely limited to VDARE, where he also served in an editorial capacity, and John Tanton鈥檚聽The Social Contract聽journal.

As a white nationalist scribe, DeAnna helped shape the movement鈥檚 approach to conservative institutions. As 鈥淗ood,鈥 DeAnna encouraged white nationalists to struggle against conservative hegemony, calling upon them to carve out alternative 鈥渃ultural spaces鈥 for 鈥渨hite advocates鈥 鈥 as he noted in a Counter-Currents article from 2013. As 鈥淜irkpatrick,鈥 he used his platform at VDARE and the site鈥檚 almost obsessive focus on immigration to target conservatives who weren鈥檛 deemed sufficiently anti-immigrant.

White nationalist leaders such as Jared Taylor spared no compliments for DeAnna鈥檚 pseudonymous contributions to the movement. 鈥淚n our movement, Gregory Hood is unquestionable the best writer of his generation. Heck, he could be the best writer in the entire movement,鈥 Taylor wrote in his blurb for 鈥淗ood鈥檚鈥 2016 book,聽Waking Up from the American Dream. VDARE editor Peter Brimelow echoed Taylor鈥檚 effusive praise for 鈥淜irkpatrick鈥 while lamenting that such a talented, young writer had been forced to 鈥渓ive in the shadows.鈥 Brimelow, for his part, has聽聽DeAnna鈥檚 鈥淜irkpatrick鈥 as 鈥渢he most brilliant political writer of his (Millennial) generation.鈥

Still, for the most part, DeAnna evaded the same amount of public scrutiny as other similarly prominent white nationalists faced, though his affiliations with the budding alt-right movement were, in some ways, only somewhat veiled. DeAnna鈥檚 associations with聽聽and others occasionally brought him briefly into the limelight 鈥 including, most notably, during NPI鈥檚 botched 2014 conference in Budapest, which DeAnna helped rescue from total collapse.

Another article from 2015, published in the Daily Beast, briefly called attention to his affiliation with the Wolves of Vinland (WoV), a neo-Volkish hate group based in Lynchburg, Virginia, as well, though that appeared to have no impact on his standing at WorldNetDaily. Some WoV members have been photographed with patches wearing YWC logos on the sleeveless vests worn by the former鈥檚 members and prospects.

After his departure from WND, DeAnna took to writing and editing for white nationalist publications full time. 鈥淗ubert Collins,鈥 another pseudonymous writer for American Renaissance, announced 鈥淗ood鈥檚鈥 hiring on February 23, 2018. 鈥淜irkpatrick,鈥 meanwhile, released his first book,聽Conservatism, Inc.: The Battle for the American Right, in fall 2019, via the white nationalist publishing house Arktos.