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Ronald Doggett

Ron Doggett has been involved in several important hate groups since his teen years, including the White Patriot Party and the neo-Nazi National Alliance.

About Ronald Doggett

He had his own cable TV hate program in the 1990s and has led several racist protests over the years in his hometown of Richmond, Va. A long-time and dedicated admirer of former Klansman David Duke, Doggett heads the Virginia chapter of the European American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), a white nationalist hate group founded by Duke in 2000.

In His Own Words
"Here in the state of Virginia our Confederate History Month proclamations became so watered down with nods towards the non-Whites they weren't even worth supporting. We can't ever have anything just for Whites...I wonder what a true Confederate (White Supremacist) brought to today's time would think of the cowardly defenders of his cause."
— Ron Doggett post to the white nationalist forum Vanguard News Network, March 16, 2007

"Ya' know, Europeans founded this country, created this country, and I believe the only way to maintain it is by our racial stock. If Americans are replaced by Mexicans, Haitians, or whatever Third World country we're talking about, then America will cease to exist as we know it and love it."
— Ron Doggett, quoted in Homeland: Into a World of Hate

"Who gives a damn what n------ think with their 85 or lower IQs? Nothing is ever gained by their presence, so flush them."
— Ron Doggett post to the forum of Vanguard News Network, January 2005

"If it wasn't for the Klan in reconstruction the White south would have been destroyed. So cheers to the Invisible Empire, 140 years old today."
— Ron Doggett post to the forum of Vanguard News Network, Dec. 24, 2005

Die-hard white supremacist Ron Doggett told British journalist Nick Ryan that he has "been active to preserve this [white] race" since he was 14. Doggett, whom Ryan describes as "exactly the sort of down-to-earth working-class white man many conservative people would probably vote for," joined his first hate group in 1979, when he was 17, after reading a newspaper published by then-Grand Wizard David Duke's Louisiana-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Doggett has maintained close ties to Duke ever since. In early 2011, he was listed as EURO's Virginia state president.

Doggett has been a key state-level organizer for several major white supremacist organizations since the 1980s when he became the Virginia unit leader of the White Patriot Party, a paramilitary Klan faction. During the 1990s, he was the Virginia chapter coordinator for the neo-Nazi National Alliance, which at the time was the largest and most powerful hate group in the country.

A lifelong resident of Richmond and self-described tree surgeon by trade, Doggett made himself infamous in his home city by hosting a white supremacist talk show on local public access cable for eight years in the 1990s. Called "Race and Reality," the show consisted of Doggett interviewing white supremacist leaders such as Duke and National Alliance founder William Pierce. He also invited viewers to call in with questions or comments, leading to longwinded and hotheaded arguments with anti-racists.

In 1999, Doggett invited Duke to Richmond to support the return of a portrait of Confederate Civil War General Robert E. Lee to a local history exhibit. More than 200 people attended the gathering, which featured Duke as the guest of honor.

In February 2001, Doggett testified before the Virginia Senate Rules Committee in favor of maintaining the state's law against interracial marriage. That March, Doggett submitted to then-Gov. Jim Gilmore, who was chairman of the Republican National Committee, a proclamation to declare May, "European American Heritage and History Month," which Gilmore signed. An embarrassed Gilmore rescinded the proclamation two months later.

Doggett often travels outside Virginia to attend white supremacist events. He was spotted in early 2005 outside the Canadian Consulate in Washington, D.C., at a rally in support of Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel. Doggett also helped organize a white supremacist rally in Knoxville, Tenn., in May 2007.

A prolific contributor to online white supremacist forums like Vanguard News Network, Doggett frequently calls upon other white supremacists to embrace militancy and for modern hate groups to model themselves after the paramilitary White Patriot Party, which Doggett calls "a true Southern organization."