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Known for violent, raging sermons that call for extermination of "the Jews," Wickstrom, who has an extensive criminal history, preached his hatred since his involvement in the 1970s with the anti-Semitic and antigovernment Posse Comitatus. Wickstrom died in March of 2018. In His Own Words "I'd like...
Gritz has warned repeatedly of coming hard times, intermittently bashed Jews and "f------," and, most recently, adopted the virulently anti-Semitic Christian Identity theology. In his own words "I can assure you that if I was ever convinced that it was God's Will for me to commit an act of violence...
Beam mentored domestic terrorists, popularized the concept of "leaderless resistance," and helped guide the white supremacist movement into the computer age. Criminal History Beam was arrested in the early 1970s in Houston and charged in connection with the bombing of a left-wing Pacifica radio...
Through an organization he co-founded, the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger. Repeated drunk driving arrests in the late 1990s eventually resulted in a lengthy prison sentence for Bertollini, at least temporarily ending his propagandizing. Criminal History In 1998, Bertollini was convicted twice in Idaho...
Thomas Robb is an Arkansas-based Christian Identity pastor and head of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which he took over in the 1980s after the departure of David Duke. In His Own Words: "When the Negro was under the natural discipline of white authority, white people were safe from the abuse and...
Kreis has fervently advocated the mass murder of Jews, non-whites and "race traitors." He also promoted "lone wolf" domestic terrorism, which he called "leaderless resistance under the radical banner of pan-Aryanism." Although Kreis has frequently ranted against what he regularly described as the...