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Davis Wolfgang Hawke Promotes Neo-Nazi Agenda Online, Calls Himself Future American Hitler

Davis Wolfgang Hawke, a young neo-Nazi upstart publicly discredited for his Jewish heritage, is now using spam to hawk penis-enlargement pills on the net.

Last time the world noticed Davis Wolfgang Hawke, he was a 20-year-old college student sporting a push broom mustache and nurturing Hitleresque fantasies of taking over the United States. That was 1999, the year Hawke became semi-famous as the "Commander" of a neo-Nazi outfit he'd founded in high school.

Using sophisticated Web skills to promote his views on Aryan supremacy — and inform Net-surfers of his destiny as the American Hitler — the former chess prodigy claimed he'd attracted 1,000 members. The actual number was closer to 100, but that was little more than a nagging detail for Hawke, who announced that summer on Fox News, "I plan to make the Final Solution a reality."

By then, Hawke's road to supremacy had already hit some serious bumps. Earlier in 1999, the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project had revealed the highly inconvenient fact that Hawke was born with a decidedly un-Hitleresque name: Andrew Britt Greenbaum.

The führer-in-waiting, who had legally changed his name shortly after his 18th birthday, had a Jewish father.

As embarrassing newspaper stories appeared and white nationalists began heaping scorn on "the kosher Nazi," Hawke hastily renamed his group the American Nationalist Party (ANP) and tried in vain to explain away his Jewish heritage. But even after he told Rolling Stone magazine that "sterilization is a must" for every Jew, Hawke's neo-Nazi credentials were shot.

At a heavily publicized ANP march on Washington, only four of Hawke's followers showed up. The humiliated commander tucked tail and drove home without delivering the big speech designed to catapult him to power. Davis Wolfgang Hawke briefly retreated to the life of a double major in German and history at sleepy Wofford College.

But he didn't let his Web skills rust. This summer, writer Brian McWilliams revealed on salon.com that Hawke is the mastermind behind two shadowy online operations called Quicksilver Enterprises and Amazing Internet Products.

The "amazing products" in question? Penis-enlargement pills.

Finally, the millions who have wondered, "Who's the jerk sending me penis spam?" have an answer. Some of the time, at least, that jerk is none other than the once-infamous kosher Nazi.

A typical pitch hawked by Hawke, who now uses a multitude of domain-name pseudonyms designed to throw off Internet fraud investigators and anti-spam activists, is for Pinacle pills, described as a "MASSIVE scientific breakthrough" that is "100% GUARANTEED" to add "up to" three inches. (The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says one of Pinacle's ingredients, yohimbe, also can cause kidney failure or kill people with heart problems.)

But surely no one falls for such a transparent ruse, right? Wrong.

McWilliams found an order log left exposed at one of Amazing Internet Products' Web sites, revealing that in just a four-week stretch this summer, some 6,000 people placed orders for Pinacle pills, most asking for two bottles at $50 a pop.

Tracked down by McWilliams, Hawke said he didn't recognize the term "spam" and claimed he managed a McDonald's. Contacted again, Hawke changed his tune, telling the reporter he would agree to an interview — for $20,000. "My time is very expensive," said the purported fast-food manager.

According to a former associate, Hawke — who until recently lived with his girlfriend in a rented house in Northeast Vermont — now brags about earning "six figures" and delights in stuffing his pockets with wads of hundred-dollar bills.

Will Hawke use his rolls of Benjamin Franklins to fund another neo-Nazi takeover attempt? Not if his former comrades have anything to say about it.

This February, someone calling himself "Wolfgang Mozart" tried to stir up interest in the American Nationalist Party on stormfront.org, a neo-Nazi site. Soon enough, Stormfront's chat room was flashing excerpts from 1999 stories revealing the identity of the man behind the ANP.

"Decker/Greenbaum/Hawke is a fruitloop," concluded the site's moderator, "also a Jew."