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Hate in the Mainstream

Quotes from Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Pauline Basso...

"How do we know the difference between you and those that are trying to kill us?"
— Host GLENN BECK, on the Oct. 4 edition of his CNN Headline News show, questioning a Muslim American woman with a head scarf who he deemed "reasonable"

"[W]e [Christians] just want Jews to be perfected… . We consider ourselves perfected."
— Universal Press Syndicate columnist ANN COULTER, on the Oct. 8 edition of CNBC's "The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch," in comments widely denounced as anti-Semitic

"Holy shit! Where did all these Mexicans come from?"
— An E-mail, one of several demeaning Latinos, blacks and Muslims that were forwarded by Danbury, Conn., City Council Majority Leader PAULINE BASSO to other politicians, that pictured a cicada burrowing out of the dirt and was made public Oct. 10

"This is the irreligious against the religious. … Jews believe that my savior, a Jew, was a raving lunatic."
— Columnist ANN COULTER, on the Oct. 15 edition of host Michael Medved's syndicated radio show, attacking those who criticized her Oct. 8 comments about Jews

"[T]he loving, kind lesbian who just assaulted you … [is] the type that stuffed ovens in Hitler's concentration camps."
— Host MICHAEL SAVAGE, responding on the Nov. 8 edition of his Talk Radio Network show to a caller describing a short-haired woman who had criticized him for listening to Savage

"[W]e are being overrun [by undocumented Hispanic immigrants] but we are being outpopulated by blacks also."
— An E-mail made public on Nov. 29, written by Arkansas state Sen. DENNY ALTES, a nativist who is also the Senate GOP leader, that was denounced by Republican Party officials

"[T]he socialist perverts in Norway … 90% of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child pornography and molestation."
— Host MICHAEL SAVAGE, on the Dec. 12 edition of his Talk Radio Network show, attacking the committee's award of the Nobel Peace Prize to former Vice President Al Gore

"The left has now become the hate group."
— FrontPageMag.com founder DAVID HOROWITZ, quoted in a Dec. 17 story in The New York Sun, lambasting an attack on a Princeton University student who claimed he'd been beaten unconscious for his conservative views but later admitted he faked the attack (Horowitz, who posted the story on his website, did not retract his comments)

"[I]f slavery was the price that a modern American's ancestors had to pay in order to make one an American, one should get down on one's knees every single day and thank the Lord."
— Republican New Jersey State Rep. MICHAEL PATRICK CARROLL, speaking out against a proposed apology for slavery, in remarks reported Jan. 1 by The Associated Press quotes on this page were compiled from media accounts, web pages, e-mail groups and media matters for america, a website that monitors the far right.