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Sisters Lynx and Lamb Gaede Underwhelm Racist Music Scene

Nature abhors a vacuum, and now a new duet of racist teens has arisen to take the place of the infamous singing Gaede twins

Several years ago, pop-singing twin sisters Lynx and Lamb Gaede seig-heiled their way to international stardom, enthralling neo-Nazi crowds with their off-key odes to white power. Although the Gaedes are no longer on the neo-Nazi performance circuit, another sister act has emerged to take their place: 18-year-old Charity and 16-year-old Shelby Pendergraft, who form a group called Heritage Connection.

The Pendergraft sisters have not yet received the media attention that the Gaede bunch drew in their heyday, but they claim to have performed at white nationalist events nationwide since they formed Heritage Connection in 2003. They've also released two CDs, "Aryan Awakening" and "Standing Our Ground," and have shared the stage with a guitar-playing Derek Black, best known for his father's racist Stormfront.org Web forum and the brouhaha that followed Derek's election to the Palm Beach County, Fla., Republican Executive Committee.

The sisters' repertoire covers the standard range of perils facing whites, including race-mixing, ZOG (for the so-called Zionist Occupied Government), and "the great illegal flood." In a song titled "Living Nightmare," for instance, the teenagers lament in rhyme the destruction of their race: "You're living in a fog/you're siding with the ZOG." A livelier track called "Propagandized America" includes the lyrics, "When I say white pride worldwide/coming up from deep inside/they say I hate you/what am I to do?"

Fans will be glad to know that the Pendergrafts compose most of their own music and lyrics. They also provide their own accompaniment on guitar, violin, piano and drums. The result is "their own unique sound that the Pendergrafts jokingly refer to as Celtic/Country/Aryan/Folk/Rock," according to their website.

The blond, fair-skinned Pendergrafts come from a long line of Aryan activists. Their grandfather is veteran Klansman Thomas Robb, leader of the Arkansas-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and their mother, Rachel Pendergraft, serves as spokeswoman for the Klan group. But not everyone is enamored of the sisters' oeuvre; reaction to a YouTube posting of their song "Dying Fire" included some disparaging comments.

"This is hilarious!" wrote "Flankoa." "It sounds like it was recorded in an underwater bathroom onto a broken miniature cassette recorder."

Added "ivyshoots," "If anything is going to make me NOT feel proud to be white, it's two nasal, talentless chicks representing our race by droning off-key musical warnings about an imagined apocalyptic race war."

The sisters take umbrage at criticism of their vocal skill, disputing this writer's characterization of their voices as "quavering" in a previous blog posting. "[T]hose who have heard us sing live would agree that our music, lyrics and vocals are anything but ‘quavering,'" Charity Pendergraft insisted on the sisters' own blog.

Mostly, the blog offers a glimpse of the daily lives of the sisters, who are home-schooled in Harrison, Ark. Amid music lessons, schoolwork, church, chores and camping trips, the siblings find time to volunteer at their grandfather's Klan headquarters and to work on a display about illegal immigration for the White Christian Heritage Festival. They write about looking forward to using their Christmas gift cards ("Too bad the JCPenney's where we go is starting to look like a Mexican recruiting station!"), attending a music show in Eureka Springs, Ark. ("Sadly, this town has been overrun by queers"), and watching the movie "Stardust" ("It was a good movie except for the propaganda — that's in almost all movies — and the gay character in it.") And Charity, who blasts immigrants in "Alien Flood," reveals her fondness for Mexican cuisine. "We had enchiladas for dinner," she writes. "Yum! I love Spanish food."

Despite their questionable talent, the Pendergrafts have been performing for a dozen years and envision a bright future for their music. They will soon welcome their 9-year-old brother, Andrew, into the group. They're scheduled to appear at this fall's White Christian Heritage Festival in Pulaski, Tenn. And while they plan to pursue degrees in business and law, they intend to continue their "ministry of music" with the hope that it will "serve as a wakeup call to those who have forgotten their heritage. Our people deserve the best. Its [sic] time for an Aryan Awakening."

Don't forget the enchiladas.