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WorldNet Daily Continues to Pump Out Outrageous Propaganda

For years, an extreme-right online “news company” called WorldNetDaily has been pumping out staggering vol- umes of baseless conspiracy theories, end-of-the-world predictions, and “birther” attacks on President Obama. But its truly defining moment may have come with the fairy-tale claim that soy- beans cause homosexuality.

WorldNetDaily (WND) describes itself as “an independent news company dedicated to uncompromising journalism, seeking truth and justice and revitalizing the role of the free press as a guardian of liberty.” The online newspaper, which this year celebrated its 15th year in operation, is one of the “very few sources” martial artist and action film hero Chuck Norris (who happens to be a columnist) trusts for news and an operation that megachurch pastor Greg Laurie (also a columnist) says does “a service to God and Country.”

WND is the brainchild of Joseph Farah, a self-described “radical” and longtime antigovernment propagandist and apologist for the Confederacy who believes “cultural Marxists” are plotting “to transform our political system, to change the way we think, to attack our values, to demean our faith in God, to reduce that shining city on the hill to the status of a drab public-housing project.”

Together with a coterie of antigovernment “Patriots,” anti-gay activists, white nationalists, Muslim-bashers, conspiracy theorists, end-times prophets and ultraconservative hardliners, Farah — who did not respond to requests to be interviewed for this article — has built WND into a modest media empire including a book imprint, an online subscription-only “intelligence resource,” and a glossy, full-color monthly magazine. At press time, Alexa, which ranks websites, said WND was the 1,832nd most popular website in the world and the 423rd in the U.S. — just above the site for Nickelodeon and a few notches below Victoria’s Secret.

WND’s point of view is best described as a cross between the now-defunct supermarket tabloid Weekly World News, which was famous for reporting on Elvis sightings, and The New American, a monthly magazine published by the far-right, conspiracist John Birch Society. In its 15 years online, it has introduced readers to a smorgasbord of bizarre ideas, specializing in anti-gay, anti-Muslim, and anti-liberal propaganda; antigovernment conspiracy theories; and end-times prophecy.

It featured a six-part series claiming (falsely) that soybean consumption causes homosexuality and promoted Scott Lively’s vile opus The Pink Swastika, which says that gays were behind the Holocaust. It has identified the first “leftist” as Satan, and declared that Muslims have a “20-point plan for conquering the United States by 2020.” It has warned of secret plans to create a North American Union, advised readers to invest all their assets in gold, and promoted myriad, if conflicting, theories about when and how the world will end.

Its most enduring claim, by far, is that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to serve as president because he supposedly is not a “natural-born” U.S. citizen.

WND’s stable of writers includes “birther” conspiracist Jerome Corsi; Bob Unruh, a former Associated Press reporter who once sued his fifth-grade daughter’s school after it forbade her to distribute promotional materials for his wife’s “vacation bible school”; black neo-secessionist Walter E. Williams, who in a 2002 WND column wrote that the Civil War was an unconstitutional exercise of “federal abuse and usurpation;” and a panoply of other far-right and ultraconservative voices.

The online paper is also a launching pad for a new generation of extremists. Kevin DeAnna, founder of the white nationalist student group Youth for Western Civilization, was recently hired as marketing coordinator. DeAnna, 29, also has written articles for WND — including one that asserted that Earth Day falls on April 22 in order to honor Lenin’s birthday. Another young pundit who benefits from WND’s patronage is Jason “Molotov” Mitchell, 33, a self-declared “Christian Supremacist” who wants his co-religionists to reject “effeminized American Christianity” and start “advancing the Kingdom on earth.”

Farah shares those sentiments. “I don’t think the Scriptures teach us to passively wait for God to take care of the world. We are taught to occupy until he comes,” he wrote in his 2003 book, Taking America Back. “Don’t you think He wants us to reestablish the promises of America — one nation under God born of a creed?”

Despite — or perhaps because of — all this, WND has had unnerving success at injecting its agenda into the public sphere. Especially since the election of America’s first black president sent the far right into paroxysms of anxiety, this far-right supermarket tabloid of the Internet has become a force to be reckoned with.

From Left to Right

Joseph Francis Farah, 57, of Centreville, Va., is a former liberal activist who as a high school student in 1971 was arrested at a massive Washington, D.C., May Day anti-war demonstration, voted for George McGovern and Jimmy Carter (twice), and says he once volunteered to serve as a bodyguard for anti-war activist Jane Fonda. In the 1980s, while working his way up the journalism food chain to become editor of the now-defunct Los Angeles Herald Examiner, he became a devoted fan of Ronald Reagan, to whom his 2007 book, Stop the Presses, is dedicated.

He also found God and cultivated what he describes as a “Christian worldview.” He claims that becoming a journalist was his response to the question, “What would Jesus do?” and says that his chief influences are Watergate muckrakers Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein; Matt Drudge of “The Drudge Report”; Ronald Reagan; and a book called Marx & Satan, which improbably claims that the author of The Communist Manifesto belonged to a Satanic cult.

Farah became the subject of national headlines in 1990, when he was hired as executive editor of California’s conservative Sacramento Union, whose new owners hoped that fresh blood would help turn the struggling 139-year-old paper around. Instead, during Farah’s 15 months at its helm, the Union’s circulation dropped by more that 25% as he dragged it sharply to the right.

Under his direction, pro-choice advocates were described as “pro-abortion” and environmentalists were reportedly called “eco-fruities.” The word “gay” was reportedly forbidden, replaced by “homosexual” — and once, in a column by the late David Chilton (who elsewhere wrote that “The Christian goal for the world is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics, in which every area of life is redeemed and placed under … the rule of God’s law.”), with “sodomite.” Farah also convinced rising conservative radio star Rush Limbaugh (who had left Sacramento a few years earlier to take his show national) to write a daily column, and ran it on the paper’s front page.

Journalist Daniel Carson described the Union as “a mouthpiece for the fundamentalist Christian right, preoccupied with abortion, homosexuals and creationism.”

“[E]ach day seems to bring a bizarre new episode,” he wrote in 1990. “Farah altered a news story to call the National Organization for Women a ‘radical feminist group.’ A front-page story speculated about whether the confrontation in the Persian Gulf is the political beginning of Armageddon.”

Editors, managers and writers reportedly left in droves. “The feeling is it’s not really an objective newspaper anymore,” a former Union reporter told The Washington Post in 1990. “We didn’t go into journalism to work for some slanted publication.”

In October 1991, Farah resigned. Twenty-seven months later, the Union — which was at the time the oldest daily paper west of the Mississippi — closed its doors for good.

But Farah kept on writing. That same year, he founded the Western Center for Journalism (WCJ), a non-profit whose purpose was “to encourage more philosophical diversity in the news media.” In 1994, WCJ was hit with a $2 million libel suit for promoting a “report” suggesting that White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster had been the victim of foul play, rather than suicide. (The suit was later dismissed.) Farah also contributed occasional op-eds to respectable outlets like the Los Angeles Times, and ran a series of “watchdog” publications focused on liberal media and culture.

In May 1997, together with his wife, Elizabeth, Farah founded WorldNetDaily as a project of WCJ. In 1999, he used $4.5 million in seed money from unnamed investors and incorporated WND as an independent for-profit company. It quickly became one of the most popular “news” sites on the Web.

Taking Sides

Farah makes a lot of noise about WND’s independence from political and partisan causes. “I’ve been a newsman my whole adult life” and “I believe the proper role of a newsman is to seek the truth without fear or favor,” he wrote in Stop the Presses. “Unlike many of my colleagues in the press, I have avoided political parties, organizations, and associations that could compromise my integrity.”

As is so often the case, Farah’s version of reality is unique.

According to research compiled by the Institute for First Amendment Studies, as of 1998, Farah was a member of the Council for National Policy (CNP), a highly secretive group that lobbies for hardline conservative positions. At that time, CNP’s membership roster included many conservative heavyweights, among them Tom DeLay, Trent Lott, Jerry Falwell, Oliver North, Constitution Party co-founder Howard Phillips, and R.J. Rushdoony, father of Christian Reconstructionism. (Reconstructionism is an ultraconservative take on Christianity whose proponents seek to impose strict “biblical law” on the United States and have promoted the death penalty for “practicing homosexuals,” adulterers, and “incorrigible” children).

Farah has spoken at numerous political events. He gave the keynote address at a 2004 homeschooling conference run by a religious-right organization called the Alliance for Separation of School and State. He was scheduled to be a featured guest at a 2007 conference run by Vision Forum Ministries, an ultraconservative outfit whose director Doug Phillips is the son of Constitution Party co-founder Howard Phillips. In a 1997 book available on the Vision Forum website, the younger Phillips described Robert Lewis Dabney (a Confederate chaplain who called blacks a “sordid, alien taint” marked by “lying, theft, drunkenness, laziness, waste”) as “a man of extraordinary principle whose character remained unblemished throughout a long and distinguished career.”

In 2010, Farah boycotted the Conservative Political Action Conference, the right’s most important annual shindig, because it included an LGBT Republican group. He held his own conservative conference instead. Its lineup was a “Who’s Who” of far-right luminaries including U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.), former “Saturday Night Live” cast member Victoria Jackson, former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), anti-gay hate group leader and Christian Reconstructionist theologian Gary DeMar, and R.C. Sproul Jr., a mover-and-shaker in the theocratic Christian “patriarchy” movement and a prominent advocate of homeschooling.

WND’s board members — who in addition to Farah and his wife Elizabeth include Wayne Johnson, Norman Book, James Clark, and Richard Botkin — are also politically involved.

Johnson, who has been on WND’s board since 1999, is a Sacramento political consultant whose firm, according to TheRawStory, coordinated the campaign for California’s Proposition 8, which sought to outlaw same-sex marriage in that state. Until June 2002, he was a board member of the Chalcedon Foundation, a Christian Reconstructionist outfit and anti-gay hate group.

Book, who joined the board in 2008, is WND’s executive vice president of finance and technology. As an undergraduate at Stanford University, he co-founded The Stanford Review, which according to his LinkedIn profile was a conservative student weekly meant to “add balance to Stanford’s stifling liberal atmosphere.”

Clark, a board member since 1999, was difficult to track down. Based on the address he listed on WND’s tax form, he appears to be a recently departed lobbyist for the American Bankers Association (ABA). According to his LinkedIn profile, he served as ABA liaison to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a controversial and highly secretive group of far-right state legislators and business lobbyists that writes and pushes model bills. One of them was the pro-gun “Stand Your Ground” law that authorities cited as their reason for not immediately recommending charges against George Zimmerman, the Florida man who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in February.

Least noteworthy is Botkin, a Sacramento-area financial advisor and former Marine who has been on the board since 1999 and is an occasional contributor to conservative candidates. According to ConWebWatch, he worked with Farah in 2004 during a short-lived effort to revive the Sacramento Union as a magazine. His book about the Vietnam War was published by WND.

From 2000 to 2002, the board also included Robert Beale, an MIT grad who made his money in computers, served as the Minnesota campaign manager for televangelist Pat Robertson’s 1988 presidential bid, and eventually came to sympathize with the radical antigovernment “sovereign citizens” movement. In 2008, Beale was convicted of tax evasion, conspiracy, and fleeing authorites, charges he attempted to evade first by hiding from the law and then by conspiring to intimidate the judge — who, he said, God had commanded him to “destroy” — by filing fraudulent liens and issuing fake “arrest warrants” against her.

God, Guns and Armageddon

Like most well-trafficked websites, WND makes money through selling ad space and sending E-mails tempting subscribers with “special offers” from third parties.

In a May 2012 E-mail “from the desk of Joseph Farah,” the WND editor personally endorsed an offer from “the Millionaire Patriot” who was, he said, giving away “lifetime gun training memberships” to the first 500 subscribers to respond to his offer. The Millionaire Patriot is Ignatious Piazza, owner of Nevada’s Front Sight Firearms Training Institute and an accused con man. In 2007, Piazza settled for $8 million dollars a class action lawsuit brought by previous subscribers to his membership scheme. The plaintiffs alleged that he was running a Ponzi scheme, had misrepresented the value of memberships, and had diverted money “for his own personal use and benefit, including his Hollywood career.”

None of this was mentioned in WND’s E-mail to subscribers. Instead, Farah wrote that he “can personally vouch for Dr. Piazza and his Front Sight Training Institute” and urged readers “to prepare for what may be coming in the next four years! NOW is the time to get armed and trained.”

In 2010, subscribers received an E-mail hawking a book titled How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization, which warned that terrorists might attack the U.S. power grid with an electromagnetic pulse device that “could throw America into the dark ages in a split second.” The next year, a message titled “Gun Control Imminent — Stock Up Now!” warned that the president was “secretly conspiring to strip American Citizens of the right to bear arms” and promised “Burnin Hot Deals” from USA Ammo (motto: “Ammunition with Attitude”).

And, in 2011, WND shilled for a publication titled “The Antichrist Identity” that claimed President Obama is a crypto-Communist “apostle” of the “New World Order” who is setting up the planet for a takeover by “Jewish Masonic” elites who will reduce the population by 5.5 billion and “enslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by a world messiah of Jewish ancestry who is to rule from Jerusalem.”

That “The Antichrist Identity” also scoffed at the idea that Obama was not born in the United States — a conspiracy WND has been tirelessly pushing for years — apparently did not bother the marketing team that approved the promotional E-mail.

Truth (or even internally consistent conspiracy theories) is not WND’s strong suit. But then, objectivity and consistency are not Farah’s goals. As he spelled out quite explicitly in Taking America Back, what he really wants is to foment a “revolution” — ideally, bloodless — that would eradicate most of the federal government, push LGBT people back into the closet and prayer back into the classroom, and “return” America to its supposed roots in biblical law.

The federal government, Farah wrote in Taking America Back, has “no lawful power outside its limited jurisdiction” and can only “impose its will on local communities and in the various states … through force of arms.” If Washington won’t “yield the power it has usurped from the states and from sovereign, self-governing individuals like you and me,” then “[i]t’s time to reconsider the idea of secession.”

The Civil War was really a “second war of independence” — and, “the motivations of many in the Confederacy were … a desire to live up to the promises of the U.S. Constitution, to test the principle of a voluntary union, to promote self-government and the rights of states.”

Farah’s own formula for revolution is simple: Turn on, tune in, and drop out. “Find a good reliable source of news — like WorldNetDaily.com — and be informed.” Buy guns — “more than you think you need.” (He notes these are for self-defense and to “preserve freedom.”) And above all, withdraw your children from “government schools,” those “indoctrination centers” and “brainwashing hubs” run by “statists who seek to steal our children and make a mockery of the family.”

“There is no neutral ground in the spiritual warfare consuming this universe,” he advises readers in the final sentences of Taking America Back. “Now stand up and join me in taking America back.”

Crazy For Sale

WorldNetDaily, after a ‘thorough’ vetting by its ‘review board,’ offers up a cornucopia of reading. Fasten your seat belts!

Like every online publication, WorldNetDaily has to pay the bills. One of the ways the far-right “news” source raises money is through the WND Superstore, where faithful readers can buy “Unique Products for Discerning Minds” — such as the NRA-endorsed Second Amendment Range Pack, which can hold, among other things, four pistols and 36 magazines, and which comes with the Second Amendment printed inside its front pouch.

Because WND hopes you will consider it “your personal library consultant,” also on offer at the superstore are 830 books on “history, theology, philosophy, political science, education, natural science, society, and family,” each one “thoroughly examined” by WND’s “review board” to “enlighten and empower you in your personal quest to protect your family, engage the culture, speak out against injustice, and fight for what is right.” In keeping with WND’s daily content, it proffers a conspiracist version of reality in which communists, liberals, Muslims, and atheists — sometimes in cahoots with time-traveling demons, other times acting on their own volition — lurk around every corner, secretly plotting to destroy the world.

The Intelligence Report doesn’t have the staff (or the patience) to read every single book on WND’s list, but we did check out quite a few of the more interesting titles. In the capsule reviews below, you’ll learn the “real” reason Earth Day is celebrated on April 22; discover that demons, masquerading as aliens, are abducting human females; and see that a secretive cabal of global elites plans to enslave humanity and implement a “New World Order.” No matter what flavor of crazy you prefer, there’s something here for everyone — even the kids.


Ayn Rand | Signet, 1957

No far-right library is complete without this classic from screenwriter and “objectivist philosopher” Ayn Rand, an anticommunist activist and rabid atheist once described as a “gateway drug to the Right,” whose 1957 magnum opus ranked as the second-most-influential book in America (the Bible was most influential) in a 1991 poll.

Today, with help from the likes of Rush Limbaugh (who frequently refers to Rand on his show and once called her a “brilliant writer and novelist”); Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan (a Tea Party hero who has said that Rand is the reason he entered politics and who — ironically, given Rand’s characterization of faith as “a sign of psychological weakness” and of Christianity’s central teachings as “monstrous” — claims to give copies of Atlas Shrugged as Christmas presents); and Muslim-hating blogger Pam Geller (who named her blog Atlas Shrugs after the book), this ultra-libertarian classic – which sneers at religion, champions selfishness, and advocates the abolition of nearly all government services and private philanthropies — is enjoying a renaissance on the American far right.

Part manifesto, part romance novel (in one scene, the heroine, wearing a diamond bracelet, displays “the most feminine of all aspects: the look of being chained”), Atlas Shrugged portrays a dystopian near-future in which capitalists go on strike to protest government regulations, vowing to return only “[w]hen the looters’ state collapses … like the mystic-ridden nations of the Orient.” At that time, “[w]ith the sign of the dollar as our symbol … we will move to reclaim this country once more from the impotent savages who never discovered its nature, its meaning, its splendor.”

Douglas Hamp | Defender Publishing, 2011

Since man was created approximately 6,000 years ago, he has been stalked by Satan, who is intent on destroying God’s work and replacing it with his own.

In antediluvian times, Nephilim — the half-demonic offspring of fallen angels and their human wives — roamed the earth. Today, Hamp says, Satan has a new and infinitely more insidious plan to destroy God’s creation. “The fact that beings whom we have identified as demons are manifesting in the sky is undeniable,” he writes. “As the many abductees have testified, the ‘aliens’” — who, according to Hamp, are actually demons disguised as aliens — “are using their sperm and eggs to create a new race (post human). The demons are mixing their seed with the seed of men.” Scientists also are mingling human DNA with that of other species, while propaganda from Hollywood, the New Age movement, and Darwinists desensitizes mankind to Satan’s unnatural work.

When the Antichrist — likely a Mason — comes, most will believe that the Rapture is an alien abduction. Those who stay true will be rewarded in heaven. Those who fail will burn. In Corrupting the Image, Hamp teaches readers how to protect themselves — before it’s too late.

Brian Sussman | WND Books, 2012

“Each time you hear an eco-activist or representative of an environmental organization speak, know this: he or she is knowingly pushing the message of Marx and deviously hoping to see the United States changed.” These are the words of Brian Sussman, a former TV meteorologist who believes that climate change is a myth manufactured by Communists “hell-bent on transforming society into a colossal, highly regulated, redistributive commune void of inalienable rights.”

According to Sussman, Earth Day is on April 22 in celebration of Lenin’s birthday, Bill Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development was a “seditious cabal of anti-American operatives working at the behest of the United Nations,” and “smart meters” and “smart grids” — technology designed to help lower utility bills and prevent brownouts — are actually a way for “Big Brother” to “control your life.” Environmentalists belong to a religion called “biocentrism,” whose earth-worshipping adherents celebrate rites such as buying hybrid vehicles, becoming vegans, “[a]nd for the exceptionally devout,” having abortions “to fight global warming.”

To combat this madness, Sussman writes, we need leaders who will “immediately abolish” the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Clean Air Act, and most environmental regulations.

“There are no more excuses. There is little time. We need majorities in Congress to accomplish this great work,” he declares. “We must restore and preserve our nation as originally founded if we are to have anything of value to leave to our posterity. It will certainly take much sacrifice and determination, but with God’s help, it can be done.”

Wayne LaPierre | WND Books, 2009

The Second Amendment is “the first right among equals, because it is the one we turn to when all else fails,” says National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre in his introduction to The Essential Second Amendment Guide.

LaPierre, who once referred to federal agents as “jackbooted government thugs,” and has warned that President Obama’s failure to push gun control during his first term is part of “a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intention to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term,” has no doubt that the day may come that citizens will face a government attack on their freedom. The threat may also come from the anti-gun “puppet masters” at the U.N., who have long harbored plans to confiscate our guns and “reprogram” us.

Fortunately, “a determined people who have the means to maintain prolonged war against a modern army can battle it to a standstill.” Well, then, pass the ammunition!

Mary E. Webster | Merril Press, 1999

Mary Webster is a mystery novelist and American Sign Language interpreter who enjoys quilting, painting, “polymer clay caning,” and TV’s Dr. Phil. She’s also a fourth-cousin-five-times-removed of Noah and Daniel Webster — a credential she apparently believes crucial in qualifying her to write this mind-numbing book, purportedly a modern English “translation” of these 18th-century essays, which were originally produced by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay for the purpose of promoting the U.S. Constitution.

Webster, who describes herself as “the quintessential citizen editor,” believes that other countries are jealous of the United States. “[N]o matter what the United States does, much of the world will always hate us,” she wrote in a 2005 commentary after watching an episode of Dr. Phil that reminded her of the Papers. “We don’t have to do something negative to elicit these feelings against us. As long as the US exists, other nations will hate us.”

Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly | WND Books, 2011

These days, everyone’s talking about the “war against women.” Suzanne Venker and her aunt Phyllis Schlafly (founder of the ultraconservative Eagle Forum) know who’s behind it: Feminists — who are also, as it happens, behind a war on men, capitalism, and human nature itself.

“When women usurp men’s role in society, as they do now, it messes up the order of things,” Venker and Schlafly proclaim. What’s more, “[f]eminism is a branch of socialism … which draws on a sociopolitical movement that attempts to create a stateless society in which policy decisions are pursued in the (supposed) best interests of society.” In pursuit of its radical agenda, the “female left” has destroyed the institution of marriage, emasculated men, and created a generation of neurotic children.

It’s not too late to reverse the trend, but to do so, “[w]e must stop talking about women’s rights, women’s needs, women’s problems, and progress for women.” Women must return to the home, stop trying to “make fathers and husbands irrelevant,” and — most importantly — recognize that the only people they are victims of are the feminists themselves.

Jonathan Cahn | FrontLine, 2012

America is suffering from “a strangely intolerant tolerance” “for everything opposed to God,” in which “[c]hildren [are] taught of sexual immorality in public schools while the Word of God [is] banned.”

That’s why Lehman Brothers collapsed exactly seven “biblical years” after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the World Trade Center — or so says author Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jew who is “known for opening up the deep mysteries of Scripture and for teachings of prophetic import.”

To learn the details of how “Paleo-Hebrew engravings” foretell America’s fate and how the county can redeem itself, read The Harbinger today!

Katherine DeBrecht | World Ahead Publishing, 2006

Sisters Janie and Sam plan to use their babysitting money to buy new bikes — until Hollywood stars show up and tell them to spend it on new clothes and luxuries. Soon, the girls are up to their elbows in onion-scented perfume and ballots for Congresswoman Clunkton of the Liberaland Socialist Party. They even consider a switch to Toenailology, religion of the stars! Can common sense prevail, or will Hollywood brainwash the girls forever?

Katherine DeBrecht | World Ahead Publishing, 2006

“Christmas may seem like a wonderful celebration to you, but not to us liberals!” says Senator Weary. “To us, it represents a religion with values and morals. Surely your teacher taught you that values and morals interfere with the way we liberals like to run things.” With that pronouncement, it looks like there’ll be no Christmas Pageant for Miss Bardin’s third grade class this year — until mysterious Justice Thompson shows up to save the day!

Katherine DeBrecht | World Ahead Publishing, 2005

Tommy and Lou want a swing set. They know they’ll be “better people” if they earn the money themselves, so they set up a lemonade stand. Everything’s going great for the two young capitalists – until liberals show up demanding a share of earnings, force the boys to take down their picture of Jesus, and try to nationalize the stand. To find out how the boys get out of this mess, read the book Grover Norquist calls “ingenious” for its insight into “the threat that taxes pose to the American Dream.”

Jerome Corsi | WND Books, 2007

Though he’s best known as chief propagandist of the anti-Obama “birther” movement, WND Senior Writer Jerome Corsi is a man of many interests. One of these is the so-called “North American Union,” a classic antigovernment conspiracy theory outlining a supposed plan to merge Canada, Mexico, and the United States into a single country. National currencies will be replaced by the “Amero”; immigrants will flood unchecked over our (former) borders; and a “NAFTA Superhighway” catering to corporate globalist powers will be constructed across our formerly independent country.

A “shadow government” is poised to take power — by means of “an executive branch coup d’etat,” if necessary — so Americans seeking to save their country from doom must act now. “At stake is nothing less than the continuance of an economically strong and politically sovereign United States that we cherish for ourselves, for our children, and for generations to come.”

Richard Wurmbrand | Crossway Books, 1986

A slim volume can pack a powerful punch, and Richard Wurmbrand’s 143-page, Marx and Satan is no exception. Described by WND founder Joseph Farah as “a book that changed my life and worldview,” Marx and Satan draws on poetry Marx wrote as a young man to prove that the author of Das Kapital “received the rights of initiation” of a “secret Satanist church” and became the Devil’s “elect servant.”

According to Wurmbrand, a Jewish convert to Christianity who was imprisoned and tortured in Romania, Lenin was also “dominated by Satanist ideology.” So were Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Kim Il-Sung, and former Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

“Marxism is not an ordinary sinful human ideology. It is Satanic in its manner of sinning,” Wurmbrand’s book concludes. “Marxism is a church. … [I]ts god is not named in its popular literature. But, as seen by the proofs given in this book, Satan is obviously its god.”


Gary Stearman | Defender, 2011

In the late 1960s, while piloting a routine flight from Dallas to Lubbock, Texas, Gary Stearman encountered a UFO, which “probed” him with “waves of energy” and “opened [his] mind to the absolute reality of beings who have what appears to be a technology that’s eons ahead of ours.”

In Time Travelers of the Bible, Stearman reveals that the beings he mistook for aliens were, in fact, divine in origin – angels or demons (he’s not sure which) who became momentarily visible through a transdimensional portal that must have opened just as he was flying by.

Such entities have traveled between dimensions for millennia, Stearman says. Intent on destroying God’s plan, demonic “Sons of God” have for millennia attempted to “tilt the minds of human leaders toward the cause of Satan,” at times even taking human brides to produce half-demonic offspring, including the Greek gods Zeus and Apollo. The Flood wiped out the first generation of their spawn, Stearman says, but now — as prophesied by time travelers like Adam, Moses, Jesus and John — they’re back and gaining strength.

When the Tribulation comes, God’s chosen will be taken to Heaven (which is actually a cube-shaped “mobile city” from a parallel universe, “capable of navigating time-space in the dimensions between heaven and earth”). Those who remain will be ruled by Satan and his minions, who even now wait in Hades, a cavernous realm beneath the earth’s surface which is accessible only to shamans and occultists capable of “popping through” the “dimensional door in time-space” that protects coal miners and others whose work takes them beneath the earth’s surface from accidental encounters with the underworld.

Confused? You won’t be after reading Stearman’s book, which, according to prophecy expert Thomas Horn, “is not just a key, but the key to understanding the elusive scientific and supernatural wisdom surrounding a Grand Universal Theory of Everything that just happens to be located at a pivotal ‘center of the symmetry of time’ at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.”

Daniel Estulin | TrineDay, 2009

If a shadowy cabal of the world’s most powerful people were well on its way to establishing a New World Order in which “world citizens” would be subject to “total enslavement” through mind-control and orchestrated chaos, wouldn’t you want to know about it? Thanks to the courageous work of “investigative journalist” Daniel Estulin, a self-declared “non-conformist” who compares himself to Galileo and says he’s “the vehicle of the collective psyche of a society whose natural instinct spells freedom,” you can.

The Bilderberg Group, a secretive organization whose fluctuating membership includes some of the world’s most powerful men and women, has long been a target of antigovernment conspiracy theorists across the globe. According to Estulin, its agents have attained nearly total control of the U.S. government. They decide who will sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, they run the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and they have “made a secret commitment to surrender irrevocably to the United Nations the means of protecting [America’s] national sovereignty,” in part by confiscating all privately owned weapons and interning dissidents like himself in “Guantanamo-like concentration camps.”

Estulin, who claims that familial ties to the KGB have given him privileged access to intelligence agencies across the globe, says he was introduced to these terrible secrets in 1992 by a former KGB/MI5 double agent nicknamed “Vladimir.” Drawing on alleged leaks from an international network of unnamed “conscientious objectors” within the Bilderberg Group and its various offshoots, articles from Spotlight and American Free Press (both founded by notorious anti-Semite and Holocaust denier Willis Carto, a detail Estulin glosses over with an oblique note that the papers are “of dubious agendas”), and his own “research,” Estulin warns against complacency and urges his readers to think for themselves.

“I am attempting to rip the mask off the New World Order and show it for what it is,” he writes. “There are many sources and documents in this book which can corroborate at least a good number of the facts, and which will leave, I hope, an intelligent reader wondering if there is more to all of this than might seem plausible.”

Ray Comfort | WND Books, 2009

Evolution is a “brainless and unproven theory that comes from the imaginations of sinful men” and “any evolutionary believer (especially an atheist) speaking on behalf of science is like Jeffrey Dahmer speaking on behalf of the Boy Scouts of America.” So says Ray Comfort in You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Can’t Make Him Think, released the same year that Comfort partnered with teen heartthrob-turned-Christian nationalist Kirk Cameron to produce a 150th anniversary edition of Darwin’s Origin of Species with a 50-page creationist introduction.

In a 2006 video featuring Cameron, Comfort used the morphology of the “modern banana” to demonstrate exactly the kind of irrefutable evidence of God’s existence that this book is full of. “Notice how gracefully it sits over the human hand. Notice it has a point at the end for ease of entry. It’s just the right shape for the human mouth. … It’s even curved toward the face to make the whole process so much easier. Seriously, Kirk, the whole of Creation testifies to the genius of God.”

Chock-full of arguments like these (for instance, the winning, “Either no one created everything out of nothing, or Someone — an intelligent, omnipotent, eternal First Cause — created everything out of nothing. Which makes more sense?”) — plus a few digs at the Catholic Church for good measure — You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence will delight your Christian friends and confound your atheist ones (assuming you can tolerate those people!). Run, don’t walk, to your nearest bookstore to pick up a copy today!