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Identity Unmasked: Meet the Proprietors of the Internet's Largest Neo-Confederate Propaganda Machine

A small Facebook campaign predicated on keeping Confederate monuments in place has morphed into a group of more than 200 ardent, secretive separatists planning to make the South a separate nation.

And Hatewatch has learned the identities of some of the group鈥檚 leaders and members.

Identity Dixie (ID), a neo-Confederate propaganda group, was instrumental in organizing the deadly 鈥淯nite the Right鈥 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Jason Kessler, who eventually joined Identity Dixie, secured the permit for the failed Aug. 12, 2017, event, a rally to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate commander Robert E. Lee. The group鈥檚 growth is notable considering the tight controls for membership, a power struggle with its parent organization, The Right Stuff (TRS), and the bad press following the bloody and violent protests at Unite the Right.

The group鈥檚 leadership holds diverse occupations. Two military veterans. A college student. An elementary school teacher. A government official. Hidden behind that cloak of normalcy lies a group that quickly has supplanted the League of the South (LOS) to become the country鈥檚 preeminent neo-Confederate hate organization.

The leadership

Identity Dixie goes to great lengths to hide its membership to avoid identification by antifascists and to prevent suspensions and bans infrequently doled out by Facebook for terms-of-service violations.

Still, the identities of the group鈥檚 leaders, some of their members and their social media have emerged. Here鈥檚 a look at the group鈥檚 leadership.

Bret Keylon Lynn,1 40, aka 鈥淢usonius Rufus鈥 and 鈥淛ohn Calhoun,鈥 a Marine veteran from Cookeville, Tennessee. Putnam County Commission meetings show Lynn was named a part-time judicial commissioner in 2015. A 2013 photograph of Lynn in the Cookeville Herald-Citizen listed his occupation as a teacher. He鈥檚 one of the main hosts of 鈥淩ebel Yell,鈥 ID鈥檚 flagship podcast and primary recruiting organ.

Eric Christopher Field,2 aka 鈥淢encken鈥檚 Ghost鈥 and 鈥淲ill McLean,鈥 of Glen Allen, Virginia. Field is an Army veteran whose Facebook and LinkedIn pages tout a degree in strategic foresight from Regent University. Field is also a 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 host.

Russell Berry,3 aka 鈥淔ulwar Skipwith鈥 and 鈥淔ulton Skipworth,鈥 of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He graduated in 2015 with a degree from Louisiana State University鈥檚 College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Berry joined Identity Dixie after he was interviewed on 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 about his involvement with a far-right Facebook group, and he has since risen through the ranks to ID鈥檚 Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC), the group鈥檚 chief leadership circle.

Michael Cushman,4 aka 鈥淢ichael O鈥橬eil,鈥 of Aiken, South Carolina. He was a dues-paying member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance and a former League of the South state chairman. Cushman is also a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Lucas Gordon,5 aka 鈥淪ilas Reynolds鈥 and 鈥淛ohn Brigand,鈥 of Ruther Glen, Virginia. Gordon maintains IdentityDixie.com and oversees the group鈥檚 various social media profiles. He helped organize the group鈥檚 second annual conference, the Asheville Forum.

Tyler Thompson6 and Patrick Bishop7 鈥攚ho do not use aliases, 鈥 from Orlando, Florida. The two 25-year-olds host ID鈥檚 鈥淕ood Morning Weimerica鈥 podcast. They are members of the Silvern Circle and administer a Florida group auxiliary鈥檚 Facebook.

Phillip Lovelady,8 aka 鈥淏edford Lee Dabney,鈥 of New Braunfels, Texas. He manages Blue Bonnet Patriots, the ID Texas chapter鈥檚 Facebook outreach page.

Michael Mott,9 aka 鈥淛ohn Wang,鈥 of Hernando, Mississippi. Mott recently began planning the group鈥檚 third conference.

Brandal Thomas Payne,10 aka 鈥淭ommy Payne,鈥 of Germanton, North Carolina. In addition to belonging to ID, he is an officer in the Stokes County Militia, a paramilitary antigovernment group.

William H. Coombs,11 aka 鈥淗ans Johannsen,鈥 of Memphis, Tennessee. He is a former member of the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS), which coordinated with ID in planning the Unite the Right rally.

None of these men responded to Intelligence Report staff鈥檚 repeated requests for comment about their membership.

White nationalist demonstrators clash with anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Aug. 12, 2017. (Steve Helber/AP Images)

Origins: Anger over the Confederate flag

Identity Dixie began as a Facebook page titled 鈥淏attle Flag the Fourth,鈥 which encouraged people to post images of the Confederate battle flag on the Fourth of July. That campaign began in the immediate aftermath of the June 2015 massacre at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. White supremacist Dylann Roof, who murdered nine African American churchgoers, had posed with the Confederate battle flag and compared the removal of Confederate monuments to 鈥渨hite genocide.鈥

Following the church attack, officials in South Carolina removed the Confederate battle flag from the state house. In response, a TRS member using the alias 鈥淩yan McMahon鈥 created the Facebook page to encourage fans of the TRS podcast to blanket Facebook and other social media with images of the Confederate battle flag. That 鈥淏attle Flag the Fourth鈥 page became the 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 page in 2016.

Bret Lynn, aka 鈥淢usonius Rufus,鈥 the main host of Identity Dixie鈥檚 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 podcast and the group鈥檚 leader, shared its history in a secret Facebook group:

鈥淚D was conceived during the darkest days. Obama issued an executive order to ban the [Confederate battle flag]. When the Republican Governor of South Carolina, the Sikh millionaire, and Methodist elder, Nikki Haley, declared it was time to remove the flag from the capitol grounds.鈥

At its outset, ID鈥檚 core purpose was to generate and post pro-Confederate content. Lucas Gordon, aka 鈥淪ilas Reynolds,鈥 recently encouraged members to create content that would 鈥渇ocus on the South, her history and culture, self-improvement for our people, strategies for secession and criticism of modernity and leftism.鈥

Identity Dixie has maintained a presence on Facebook in spite of the social platform鈥檚 promises to improve how it moderates hate speech and harassment. It takes advantage of Facebook鈥檚 鈥渟ecret group鈥 feature, which allows individuals to create invitation-only groups that aren鈥檛 visible to the general public. Facebook has received criticism for allowing groups espousing toxic rhetoric to stay on the platform by using the secret group feature.

The rhetoric within ID鈥檚 secret Facebook groups is emblematic of its origins in the 鈥渁lt-right.鈥 Members frequently use racist, bigoted and homophobic language to denigrate anyone who is not a white male Christian Southerner.

Identity Dixie launched its flagship podcast 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 in January 2016. The hosts of 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 have packed the guest list with names from across the reactionary right. Those guests usually discuss dominionist religious tenets 鈥 particularly Kinism, the belief that the Bible prohibits interracial marriage; distributism, which encourages the sharing of property rights; Reformed theology, or Calvinism; paleoconservatism, a radical strain of reactionary conservative politics that favors Christian culture; survivalism, which encourages the stockpiling of supplies and weapons in anticipation of a 鈥渞ace war鈥; and libertarianism, a right-wing belief in absolute individual sovereignty and complete rejection of any form of collective authority.

Previous 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 guests included:

  • Michael Hill and Brad Griffin of the League of the South;
  • Simon Roche of the South African Suidlanders;
  • Jim Goad, author of 鈥淭he Redneck Manifesto鈥;
  • Jason Kessler, ID member and Unite the Right rally organizer;
  • Augustus Sol Invictus and Rick Tyler, a Holocaust denier and white nationalist politician;
  • Tomislav Sunic, Croatian 鈥渘ew right鈥 author;
  • Lennart Svensson, Swedish reactionary author; and
  • David Thibodeau, survivor of the Waco, Texas siege.

Although the organization is now known as Identity Dixie, that was not its original name. Having started as a Facebook page around the 鈥淏attle Flag the Fourth鈥 campaign and after undergoing several iterations all tied to The Right Stuff in April 2016 the group began branding itself as the TRS Confederates (TRS-C). In Lynn鈥檚 history of the group, he stated that they 鈥渨ere happy to be the Southern subsidiarity [sic] of TRS鈥 and that they coordinated with the 鈥淩eeeeefugees,鈥 a close-knit group of TRS members who spearheaded online white nationalist trolling campaigns.

The TRS Confederates eagerly participated in the 鈥淕reat Meme War鈥 of the 2016 election, frequently 鈥渞aiding normies,鈥 or descending on generic social media interest pages en masse and spamming them with pro-Trump, white nationalist and neo-Confederate content. 鈥淣ormies鈥 are people who are generally not engaged in far-right politics.

As the TRS Confederates, the group began experimenting with street activism. When white nationalist Richard Spencer spoke at Texas A&M University on Dec. 6, 2016, Lucas 鈥淟uke鈥 Daggett was there. Daggett is an Identity Dixie member and former Texas LOS chairman. Daggett and white nationalist William Fears were photographed taunting members of the TAMU student body before the event.

But about this time, the relationship between TRS and TRS-C started to sour and eventually collapse, leading to Identity Dixie鈥檚 rise.

A group of Identity Dixie members march into Charlottesville, Virginia, on Aug. 12, 2017. (Youtube)

Power struggle

Although the 鈥渁lt-right鈥 was in its heyday, relations between TRS and TRS-Confederates began to take a turn shortly after the 2016 presidential election.

On Dec. 16, 2016, antifascist activists doxed American Vanguard (later Vanguard America) member and TRS member Cooper Ward, aka 鈥淕houl.鈥 Ward was a frequent 鈥渄eath panelist鈥 on the TRS flagship podcast, 鈥淭he Daily Shoah.鈥 A follow-up post by antifascists showed messages from Ward offering to abandon TRS in exchange for a retraction of his outing. The antifascists declined that deal.

Subsequent outings by antifascists revealed the identities of TRS hosts Van Bryan II, aka 鈥淏ulbasaur,鈥 and Jesse Dunstan, aka 鈥淪eventh Son鈥 or 鈥淪ven.鈥 Although these outings were damaging for morale among the TRS community, the outing of Mike 鈥淓noch鈥 Peinovich, the main host of 鈥淭he Daily Shoah,鈥 would have greater consequences.

On Jan. 18, 2017, 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 published an episode titled 鈥淩ebel Shoah: Fashy Struggle Session.鈥 The episode included Bret Lynn and Eric Field, using their handles 鈥淢usonius Rufus鈥 and 鈥淢encken鈥檚 Ghost.鈥 They questioned Peinovich about the antifascist disclosure of his surname and his marriage to a Jewish woman.

During the 鈥渟truggle session,鈥 Peinovich encouraged the hosts of 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 to distance their organization from his tarnished reputation. Three days later, on Jan. 21, 2017, the TRS Confederate group registered a new site domain, IdentityDixie.com.

In April, Identity Dixie removed TRS members from its Facebook group following a post by Lynn questioning why 鈥淭RS are so salty when it comes to Southern Nationalism.鈥 The Facebook thread amassed more than 700 comments and eventually led to a complete separation of the two groups amid accusations of intellectual property theft and counter-accusations of spying.

William Fears (left) and Lucas Daggett, a member of TRS Confederates, experiment with public activism at Texas A&M University in December 2016. (Ralph Barrera/American Statesman)

How ID operates

Identity Dixie is primarily organized around a secret Facebook group. Members use pseudonymous 鈥渟ock鈥 accounts 鈥 digital alter egos 鈥 to share racist vitriol without compromising their true identities.

Identity Dixie has two subgroups for special members: Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) and Knights of the Silvern Circle (KSC). The requirements for admission into these groups are unknown; however, the KGC appears to outrank the KSC.

In addition to its public and secret Facebook pages and groups, ID is trying to move closer toward the mainstream. The group organizes conferences, seeks to expand its media presence and plans to create two tax-exempt corporations, a 501(c)(3) media group and a 501(c)(8) legal defense group.

Identity Dixie hosted its first conference, the Atlanta Forum, on Jan. 28 2017, just one week after the group proclaimed its sovereignty from TRS. Speakers included white nationalist attorney Sam Dickson, League of the South public relations chief Brad Griffin, Traditionalist Worker Party head Matt Heimbach and Michael Cushman, formerly of the LOS. Antifascist activists in Marietta, Georgia, filmed a handful of attendees in the lobby of a local Hilton hotel but were unsuccessful in identifying the names of any members.

ID member Scott Terry, aka 鈥淎aron Dale鈥 and 鈥淪hotgunWildAtHeart,鈥 wrote a description of the event titled 鈥淜nights of the Right Stuff鈥:

鈥淚 was fortunate enough to be there 鈥 to be part of a small handful of the most notorious and passionate Southern nationalists left in Dixie. All the big names were present: Hunter Wallace, Michael Cushman, Musonius Rufus, and many others. That fortunate porch housed the virtual 鈥渨ho鈥檚 who鈥 of the South. If any of the old spirit of Dixie remains 鈥 if any one [sic] is left to sing the Song of the South 鈥 it will be the men on that porch.鈥

Following the forum, Identity Dixie instituted stricter vetting procedures to avoid the risk of outing members at in-person events. Potential members either are recruited online or receive references for inclusion from existing members. All members must create a sock account that must pass through the group鈥檚 vetting groups, known as The Smokehouse and The Farm.

Members are required to write an article for the group鈥檚 website before they are interviewed and granted access to ID鈥檚 secret Facebook group.

Access to ID鈥檚 main Facebook group comes with privileges such as attending in-person meetups and conferences. Members and 鈥渧etted allies鈥 who do not produce propaganda for IdentityDixie.com are sequestered to another Facebook group called The Magnolia Society, named for the group鈥檚 affinity for a common Southern tree.

In a demonstration of uncharacteristic cooperation, more than a half dozen normally territorial and competitive organizations formed an 鈥渋ntel鈥 Facebook group just before Richard Spencer鈥檚 speech at Auburn University on April 18, 2017. The group formed in response to its members鈥 paranoia about antifascist activity. The intel group consisted of Identity Dixie members and far-right activists from TRS, League of the South, Traditionalist Worker Party, Vanguard America and others. They scoured antifascist blogs and news updates and communicated any concerns to groups on the ground via secure messaging platforms. The groups also used that networking opportunity to pinch members from one another鈥檚 rosters.

During the period of cooperation with rival groups, ID continued to work on establishing its brand and operational structure. In May 2017, Identity Dixie created and approved its official logo and symbol, consisting of a cartoon magnolia flower 鈥 designed by member 鈥淐het Donnelly鈥 鈥 emblazoned over the 鈥淪outhern Nationalist flag,鈥 designed by Michael Cushman. Members carried this flag at the Unite the Right rally.

An altercation breaks out as a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee is removed from Lee Circle in New Orleans. The City Council voted to remove the monument and three other Confederate and white supremacist monuments. (Scott Threkeld/AP Images)

The group previously had toyed with several designs and temporarily settled on a variant of the Confederate battle flag emblazoned with the 鈥淏lack Sun,鈥 a popular white nationalist icon with ties to the Third Reich.

In that same month, Bret Lynn, aka 鈥淢usonius Rufus,鈥 posted a draft of 鈥淚dentity Dixie鈥檚 Mission, Rules, & Bylaws鈥 for the group. Members subsequently approved them.

In May 2017, several ID members participated in the 鈥淏attle of New Orleans.鈥 That event was held at Lee Circle to protest plans to remove Confederate monuments. Identity Dixie members 鈥淛C Hinson,鈥 Brandon Richey and 鈥淲illiam Agee鈥 were there. During the event, a brawl broke out between the white nationalists and a group of counterprotesters during a scuffle over the flag of Identity Dixie member Gunther Rice.

School principal outed

Before the Lee Circle event on May 7, 2017, Nicholas Dean Andrews, aka 鈥淣icholas Dean,鈥 appeared on Augustus Invictus鈥檚 鈥淏attle of New Orleans鈥 broadcast. Following the New Orleans event, Andrews, a New Orleans elementary school principal, joined Identity Dixie.

On May 13, Andrews, going by 鈥淣ick,鈥 also participated in a Red Ice TV panel broadcasting an event in Charlottesville hosted by Richard Spencer and Identity Evropa. 鈥淣ick鈥 was joined by white nationalist James Edwards of 鈥淭he Political Cesspool鈥; Eric Field, aka 鈥淢encken鈥檚 Ghost鈥 of Identity Dixie; Tyler Thompson (soon to be an Identity Dixie podcast host but then operating under the banner of Right Source Media); and Michael Hill of the League of the South.

Andrews later was fired from his job when a local journalist publicized his involvement in the Lee Circle protest. Andrews ranted against his former employers, stating he would 鈥渆xact a bloody revenge鈥 on the media 鈥渋f [he] had nothing to lose.鈥

ID gains members, focus after Unite the Right

In the runup to the August 2017 Charlottesville event, 鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 hosted future ID member Jason Kessler several times on its podcast. Kessler, who held the permit for the event, was considered a VIP by rally participants and therefore a probable target of antifascists. Consequently, several Identity Dixie members volunteered to serve as a personal security detail for Kessler.

鈥淩ebel Yell鈥 added an audio advertisement for the event as a bumper in episodes leading up to the Aug. 12 rally.

Identity Dixie members on the ground for Unite the Right were instructed to dress in khaki pants and blue golf shirts.

ID鈥檚 uniform and distinctive black-and-white flags bearing its magnolia logo increased its visibility in a column of white nationalists marching into Emancipation Park in Charlottesville.

Lucas Gordon, aka 鈥淪ilas Reynolds,鈥 exchanged pleasantries with Brad Griffin inside of Emancipation Park while Griffin livestreamed the event.

But the governor of Virginia declared a state of emergency and canceled the Unite the Right rally before it started. Members of Identity Dixie and other alt-right groups marched from Emancipation Park to nearby McIntire Park, exchanging blows with counterprotesters the whole way. By the day鈥檚 end, one counterprotester was dead and dozens of others were injured. ID members used the group鈥檚 forum to laud participation in the event, to denigrate counterprotesters and to coordinate a response to the coming onslaught of legal scrutiny and media attention.

Identity Dixie emerged from Unite the Right relatively unscathed, with none of its members caught, outed by antifascists or arrested in the aftermath. However, antifascists photographed several participating in brawls during the day鈥檚 events. Lynn, aka 鈥淢usonius Rufus,鈥 would later downplay the group鈥檚 involvement in Unite the Right, going as far as saying that the group didn鈥檛 鈥渆xist legal,鈥 in spite of having drafted bylaws and a membership list.

Lynn, under his pseudonym, authored a piece titled 鈥淚magine,鈥 which blamed the rally鈥檚 disastrous outcome and the death of counterprotester Heather Heyer on city officials and other counterprotesters. The piece is a sterling example of alt-right apologia that began in earnest immediately after the event. The League of the South republished 鈥淚magine鈥 in its quarterly tabloid, The Free Magnolia.

Unite the Right spurred ID to abandon public activism explicitly, although some members still favored the tactic and continued to produce propaganda for subsequent public rallies.

Where Unite the Right proved disastrous for several prominent alt-right groups such as the Traditionalist Worker Party, League of the South, Identity Evropa, Vanguard America and others, Identity Dixie was able to make headway in its aftermath. Lynn, operating as 鈥淢usonius Rufus,鈥 brokered truces between feuding groups and attempted to rehabilitate spurned movement figures, much as the Fashy Struggle Session paved the way for Mike Peinovich to stay at the helm of TRS.

Jason Kessler, a former Identity Dixie member, waits for protesters to quiet down before beginning a news conference in front of City Hall in Charlottesville, Virginia, the day after "Unite the Right." (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Jason Kessler, the chief Unite the Right organizer, remained with Identity Dixie after the rally and appeared several times on 鈥淩ebel Yell.鈥 During his first appearance, he disputed the far right鈥檚 conviction that he was to blame for the events of Unite the Right, and later returned to garner support for his follow-up rally.

Elliot Kline, aka 鈥淓li Mosely,鈥 the former head of Identity Evropa, was added to the secret ID Facebook group The Farm after a New York Times piece revealed that he had lied about his service record. Kline eventually quit the group.

Identity Dixie continued to gain new members, including former members of the League of the South. In August 2018, Robert Graf 鈥淩.G.鈥 Miller emailed Hatewatch鈥檚 tip line stating that he was 鈥渘o longer chairman of the Arkansas League of the South.鈥 While Miller had indeed stepped down from his role in the League, he neglected to mention his participation in Identity Dixie in his email.

鈥淲illiam Agee,鈥 a former League of the South member, also participates actively in Identity Dixie and appears to have become involved with leadership.

ID has drawn converts from outside the neo-Confederate movement, including Brandal Payne, aka 鈥淭ommy Payne,鈥 and Phillip Lovelady, aka 鈥淏edford Lee Dabney,鈥 who are involved in the militia movement and the Texas Nationalist Movement, respectively.

Identity Dixie also strengthened its vetting process after Unite the Right. It developed a 鈥淟isteners Group鈥 Facebook page to screen prospective members. Lucas Gordon and leadership made this change after an abortive attempt to onboard longtime neo-Confederate movement malcontent Tim Manning. Manning was blackballed from ID and the broader alt-right in summer 2017 after a news outlet used his posts on The Daily Stormer under the handle 鈥淪CNazi鈥 to reveal that the far right was scheduling lodging for the Unite the Right event using Airbnb.

Elliot Kline, aka "Eli Mosely," the former head of Identity Evropa, was added to "The Farm" of Identity Dixie. "The Farm" vetted people for membership in Identity Dixie. (Eze Amos)

The next chapter: Moving to the mainstream

Identity Dixie has added a slate of podcasts to its site, including 鈥淭he Paranormies,鈥 hosted in part by former TRS member Ian Weber, aka 鈥淶ev Hund,鈥 who sided with ID in its split with TRS. Tyler Thompson and Patrick Bishop have hosted a slew of podcasts for Identity Dixie, most recently settling on the banner 鈥淕ood Morning Weimerica,鈥 which held extensive interviews with Brandal Payne, under the name 鈥淭ommy Payne,鈥 and another Forsyth County-area militia member, Brandon D. Hedrick, aka 鈥淏uddy.鈥

Identity Dixie also has expanded beyond its original Facebook page and runs a small constellation of pages designed to appeal to conservatives. KSC member Michael Mott of Mississippi runs the Mississippi Grays page. Old Dominion Cavaliers was formerly run by Identity Evropa/Identity Dixie dual member Michael David Morsette.

When Hatewatch contacted Morsette about his membership in Identity Dixie, he replied with an email stating: 鈥淚 am not a member and request you not publish false information. Thank you.鈥 He did not respond to the query, 鈥淲ere you ever a member of Identity Dixie?鈥

The Blue Bonnet Patriots page is run by Phillip Lovelady, aka 鈥淏edford Lee Dabney,鈥 and Matt 鈥淧addy鈥 Williams, from greater San Antonio, Texas. This page has garnered more than 1,000 Facebook 鈥渓ikes.鈥

The Palm Tree Populists page is administered by KSC members Tyler Thompson and Patrick Bishop of Orlando, Florida. Jim O鈥橞rien, a former member of the Florida League of the South, syndicates his blog and Facebook page 鈥淏acon, Books & Bullets鈥 on the Identity Dixie website.

Identity Dixie has an active presence on social media platform Instagram, and several of its members have avoided bans on Twitter in spite of frequent race-baiting.

ID hosted its summer 2018 conference in Asheville, North Carolina, and is in the process of scheduling a follow-up conference for 2019.

The group designed a T-shirt, sold by Dixie Outfitters, a neo-Confederate retailer in South Carolina.

In the close of a post titled 鈥淪t. Andrew Day Covenant,鈥 Lynn, aka 鈥淢usonius Rufus,鈥 outlined his plans for the future of Identity Dixie:

We the members of Identity Dixie will form a covenant with the God of the Bible and with each other. The covenant shall take the form of a fraternal order. The purpose of this order is to gather the remnant of our nation, to provide for their common defence, and to hold wealth in common for the redemption of our kinsmen.

Lynn, operating under his account 鈥淛ohn Calhoun,鈥 detailed the mechanics of this covenant in a post titled 鈥淭he Plan, First Look 20180818,鈥 which described the two 鈥渉alves鈥 of Identity Dixie鈥檚 organizational strategy, through the creation of two corporations which would 鈥渂e legally separate for safety.鈥

鈥淭he Order鈥 would be a 501(c)(8) fraternal organization whose purpose is to fund legal defenses for members accused of crimes and to assist financially doxed members who lost employment.

鈥淭he Medium,鈥 a 501(c)(3) corporation, will oversee propaganda production and pay members as employees.

Religion is a central concern for Identity Dixie. Its membership claims to belong to an array of Christian denominations, including reformed variants of Primitive Baptists and Orthodox Presbyterians, traditional Catholics, British Israelites, Reformed Episcopalians and sedevacantists 鈥 who believe that there hasn鈥檛 been a pope since 1958. These disparate and seemingly incompatible faith traditions coexist in Identity Dixie through a common embrace of Christian Dominionism, a right-wing political ideology that seeks to impose on part or all of the global political structure its interpretation of 鈥淕od鈥檚 law.鈥 Identity Dixie has distilled the concept of militant dominionism into its slogan: 鈥淩etake Everything.鈥

In the long term, Identity Dixie hopes to fund the creation of intentional residential communities, complete with home schools and its much-desired Church of Dixie.

Identity Dixie鈥檚 leadership cadre has arrived at this point in their pursuit of a separatist dominionist community by operating on the periphery of explicitly violent white nationalist groups and hiding its broader ambitions.

Having exploited lax social media policies and savvy networking within the broader far-right community, they have strengthened their numbers. What remains to be seen is whether their goals will survive the scrutiny that comes with exposure.

Illustration by Rob Dobi