Two Georgia men accused of plot to attack a scientific research facility in Alaska.
Two Georgia men accused of plot to attack a scientific research facility in Alaska.
*Editor's note: In December 2016, a suspect, a member of the church, was arrested in connection with the crime, and authorities now believe the attack was not politically motivated.
Police have arrested a man suspected of ambushing and fatally shooting two police officers in Des Moines.Â
Bundy family warns of another standoff; Accused bomb plotter rails in court; Samantha Bee highlights Trump’s Alt-Right sync-up; and more.
The anti-Muslim think tank Center for Security Policy (CSP) announced that it will  the current Israeli ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, with its highest award at a Dec.13 ceremony in New York City.
White nationalists scheme to back Trump; Chobani owner faces racist death threats; ‘Crusader’ subculture in military?; and more.
A Southern Poverty Law Center analysis over the past three months has found that a small number of extremist Twitter users are responsible for a disproportionate amount of conspiratorial political messaging pushed by Donald Trump’s campaign. Â
​Joe Arpaio, the tough-talking, controversial Arizona sheriff whose nativist stance rocketed him to national prominence, now faces a criminal charge just weeks before a challenging re-election bid for a seventh term.
Will Oregon verdict embolden extremists?;Â White identity politics under Trump; OK lawmaker targets Muslims; and more.
Why white nationalists love Trump; Spencer outlines post-election plans; Oath Keepers say no intimidation planned; and more.