Hatewatch Antigovernment Figures Rally Behind Arizona Attorney General Horne August 06, 2014 David Neiwert
Hatewatch White Supremacist Killer David ‘Joey’ Pedersen Regrets Failing To Start A Racist Revolution August 05, 2014 Bill Morlin
Hatewatch Arpaio Considered ‘Citizens Grand Jury’ for Obama Birth Certificate Probe, But ‘It’s a Little Tough’ August 05, 2014 David Neiwert
Hatewatch Nevada Rancher Says Confrontation With Feds Is 'Spiritual Experience' August 05, 2014 Bill Morlin
Hatewatch Jim Gilchrist Continues Denying Ties to Shawna Forde as He Tries to Revive Minutemen August 05, 2014 David Neiwert
Hatewatch Arsonist Who Attempted to Burn Down Gay Bar Gets Exceptional 10-year Sentence August 01, 2014 David Neiwert