Hatewatch Anti-Muslim Hate Crime Rash Reported Around 9/11 Anniversary September 16, 2011 Janet Smith
Hatewatch Louisiana High Court Says Confederate Flag ‘Offensive’ September 14, 2011 Leah Nelson In spring 2009, a Caddo Parish, La., prosecutor struck from the pool of potential jurors in the capital murder trial of Felton Dejuan Dorsey.
Hatewatch DOJ Says Suffolk County, N.Y., Police Need Improvements on Hate Crimes September 14, 2011 Mark Potok
Hatewatch Accused Alaska Militia Leader Boasted of Rockets, Bombs, Cavalry September 13, 2011 Bill Morlin
Hatewatch The National Policy Institute Conference: Immigrants Ruining America September 12, 2011 Arthur Goldwag