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Georgia Governor Appoints Hate Group Leader to Immigration Board

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal a longtime leader in an anti-immigrant hate group to serve on a new state panel charged with enforcing the state鈥檚 harsh new immigration law.

Phil Kent was among those named by Deal to a new Immigration Enforcement Review Board. Created as part of Georgia鈥檚 punishing new anti-immigrant law 鈥 the Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 鈥 the panel will 鈥渞eview and investigate complaints related to illegal immigration and it will hold the authority to sanction those found to have violated Georgia鈥檚 immigration law.鈥 (The Southern Poverty Law Center is part of a coalition of civil rights groups challenging the law in federal court.)

Phil Kent is a longtime national spokesman for , a relationship mentioned in the Kent bio provided by the governor鈥檚 office. According to ProEnglish, another group Kent is involved in, he also serves as executive director of the American Immigration Control Foundation (AICF), a partner organization to AIC.

The 人兽性交 has listed AIC and AICF, together, as a hate group for more than a decade. As the 人兽性交 has previously reported, AICF has produced mounds of anti-immigrant propaganda over its more than two decades of existence. Particularly notable is the 鈥淚mmigration: Making America Less Beautiful?,鈥 which is filled with a cornucopia of racist images. The video depicts a 鈥渞aging flood鈥 of Latinos, Haitians and other immigrants 聽鈥 鈥渢he greatest wave of immigration the world has ever witnessed鈥 鈥 threatening America鈥檚 鈥済enerally European鈥 core with 鈥渇oreign domination.鈥 In the video, Miami is a 鈥淭hird World nightmare鈥 where 鈥渋llegal aliens鈥 practice 鈥渧oodoo鈥 and leave stinking 鈥渉uman waste鈥 in the streets. 鈥淎merica is beautiful,鈥 says the narrator. 鈥淲hy spoil it?鈥

Kent鈥檚 close colleague at AIC is John Vinson, who has held leadership positions in both AIC and AICF since signing on with the groups in 1990. Vinson wrote the AICF-published Immigration and Nation: A Biblical View, in which he claims that it is against God鈥檚 will to weaken the 鈥渄ivinely unique鈥 character of every nation. In the case of America, Vinson makes clear in the booklet that character belongs to English-speaking, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. He says that assimilating 鈥渢he races of the world鈥 is 鈥渁n impossible task鈥 and argues that current immigration patterns may 鈥渄estroy our nationhood.鈥 Vinson also attacks the 鈥渟piritual Balkanization鈥 he claims is promoted by non-Christian immigration.

Vinson is also a founding member of the neo-Confederate hate group , one of whose leaders has argued that slavery is 鈥淕od-ordained.鈥 Another made the statement, 鈥淪omebody needs to say a good word for slavery. Where in the world are the Negroes聽better off today than in America?鈥

Kent has additional connections to extremists. His articles have run in publications of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a white supremacist hate group that believes 鈥渕ixing the races is rebelliousness against God鈥 and that has described black people as a 鈥渞etrograde species of humanity.鈥 An article penned by Kent that ran in the CCC鈥檚 newsletter in 1999 described the CCC as a good conservative group that had been 鈥渢argeted for demonization by the political leadership of the Left and its media allies.鈥 Kent described his participation at one of the group鈥檚 national meetings where there was a discussion by 鈥渟ome speakers urging preparation for a future North American balkanization whereby some majority-white country in middle America might be established.鈥 Sam Francis, then the CCC鈥檚 newsletter editor, called at the meeting for the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to Kent. In other issues of the CCC鈥檚 publication, Kent鈥檚 books are advertised for sale.

Kent also serves on the of ProEnglish, a group that pushes for government documents, such as driver鈥檚 license tests, to be printed only in English. ProEnglish is the creation of , the racist architect of the modern anti-immigrant movement. Tanton has made his white nationalist views clear, writing that he believes that 鈥渇or European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.鈥 In a memo Tanton prepared for the leadership of the Washington anti-immigrant lobbying group , Tanton questioned the 鈥渆ducability鈥 of Latinos and warned of a coming 鈥淟atin onslaught.鈥 Tanton serves on ProEnglish鈥檚 board with Kent, and Tanton鈥檚 foundation, U.S. Inc., funds the organization.

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