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Neo-Nazis Plan Patrols in Florida in Wake of Trayvon Martin Shooting

The neo-Nazi (NSM) has announced that it will be conducting patrols in Seminole County, Fla., to protect 鈥渓ocal citizens from the area who are concerned for the safety of their families.鈥 The group says it is prepared for 鈥渞acial violence鈥 in the Sanford area, where the Martin shooting occurred, and that is has been 鈥渃ontacted by dozens of local citizens鈥 supposedly seeking protection.

The NSM鈥檚 announcement warns of imminent racial violence, saying that 鈥渢he Melting Pot is brimming over like a powder keg ready to explode into the streets.鈥 Rabidly anti-Semitic and racist, the NSM is known for its frequent rallies, where members often come dressed in full Nazi uniforms featuring swastika armbands.

The NSM announcement pointed as evidence of impending racial strife to the recent comments by (NBPP) leader Mikhail Muhammad that the group had started a 鈥淲anted: Dead or Alive鈥 campaign to bring justice for Trayvon Martin. Muhammad said the group was offering a $10,000 bounty for the of George Zimmerman, the alleged shooter in the case. The NBPP is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (人兽性交) for its anti-white and anti-Semitic beliefs.

The NSM is one of the country鈥檚 largest neo-Nazi hate groups. Headquartered out of Detroit, Mich., the organization has chapters across the country including two in (the closest to Sanford is in Tampa).

Though the NSM鈥檚 posting is rabidly racist, the group鈥檚 leader, , hasn鈥檛 always been so unfriendly to minorities, including black people. For more on that, check Hatewatch this coming week.

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