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Values Voter Summit Provides Forum for Rabid Islamophobes

Yesterday, we posted of some of the anti-LGBT speakers who are appearing at this year鈥檚 Values Voter Summit (VVS), a gathering of social conservatives that begins tomorrow in Washington, D.C., and is attracting a number of high-level public officials from the GOP, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan.

In addition to the usual gay-bashers, the summit hosted by the Family Research Council (FRC) also provides a public platform for rabid Islamophobes who promote an array of anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and propaganda.

Here are some of the most prominent among them:

Lt. General (Ret.) William 鈥淛erry鈥 Boykin is a 36-year veteran of the Army and a former U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under Donald Rumsfeld. after an investigation determined that he had violated internal regulations by giving several speeches at religious events while wearing full uniform. Boykin had not received clearance for remarks that included statements likening the war on terror to a battle against Satan and his claims that President George W. Bush was put in office by God, that radical Muslims hate America because of U.S. support for Israel, and that the military is recruiting a spiritual army that will draw strength from a greater power to defeat enemies. Since then, he has continued to bash Islam and has become a go-to guy for the anti-Islam right. He has and that it does not 鈥渄eserve鈥 First Amendment protections. He has stated that in the United States and that , which he says is trying to implement Shariah law in the U.S. His history of incendiary remarks kindled enough heat recently that from delivering a speech at the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast, held at West Point in February. A few months after that, in July, the FRC hired Boykin as executive vice president.

Nonie Darwish, an Egyptian-born former Muslim, moved to the U.S. with her husband in 1978. She has since become a staple of the anti-Islam right as the founder of Arabs for Israel and a board member of Former Muslims United (FMU), a group whose board also includes 鈥渇ormer terrorists鈥 and . Darwish now devotes much of her time to denigrating Islam and worrying that it鈥檚 taking over America. She has said that Islam She and FMU also have been involved in the campaign against a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tenn. 鈥淎 mosque is not just a place for worship,鈥 Darwish . 鈥淚t鈥檚 a place where war is started, where commandments to do jihad start, where incitements against non-Muslims occur. It鈥檚 a place where ammunition was stored.鈥

, one of the most prominent anti-Muslim activists in the country, once served in the Pentagon and was tapped in 1987 to be assistant secretary of defense, though the Senate did not confirm him. In 1988, he founded the Center for Security Policy, where he is still president. Once a respected though hawkish think tank, the CSP is now a petri dish for Gaffney鈥檚 anti-Muslim conspiracy theories. with the September 2010 release of the paranoid but popular report 鈥淪hariah, the Threat to America,鈥 which depicted Shariah law as a global threat comparable to that posed by Soviet communism decades ago. Since then, he has seen 鈥渃reeping Shariah鈥 everywhere 鈥 even among allies. For the past two years, he has been barred from speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference because he claims that two of CPAC鈥檚 organizers (Suhail Khan and longtime Republican, anti-tax operative Grover Norquist) are agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. CPAC, Khan explained in 2011, 鈥渄idn鈥檛 want to be associated with a crazy bigot.鈥 Gaffney has claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood has the federal government, that the TV network Al Jazeera was paying people to stage attacks and bombings during the U.S. military intervention of Iraq so it could report on them, and warned that the Muslim Brotherhood鈥檚 plan is to that will erase Western culture from within. To Gaffney, this 鈥溾 鈥 when the Muslim Brotherhood will rise up here in America and implement Shariah law 鈥 is just around the corner.

Steve King, a member of Congress from Iowa, is to controversy. At the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference, he was a on a panel organized by the group ProEnglish and hosted by , a former leader of the white nationalist group Chicagoland Friends of the American Renaissance. One of the other panelists was Peter Brimelow, founder of the white nationalist website . King showed up to discuss his bill that would make English the official language of the U.S. King鈥檚 most recent tangle with controversy involves his support for five fellow conservative lawmakers to several federal agencies inquiring about whether the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the government. The letters named Huma Abedin 鈥 a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 鈥 as a possible go-between. In August, that Abedin鈥檚 family is 鈥渄eeply entrenched鈥 in the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2008, he , 鈥渢he radical Islamists鈥 and Al Qaeda 鈥渨ill be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11鈥 because Obama鈥檚 middle name is 鈥淗ussein鈥 and the 鈥渞adical Islamists鈥 will 鈥渞ead a meaning into that.鈥

Kamal Saleem claims to be a former Muslim terrorist who came to the U.S. to destroy it before having a change of heart and converting to Christianity. Saleem (whose real name is Khodor Shami), is founder of Koome Ministries and a popular speaker for the anti-Muslim right. He has many stories to tell, but . Nevertheless, he keeps spinning his conspiracy theories about Islam, many of which rival Gaffney鈥檚. Among Saleem鈥檚 many claims are that President Obama is attempting to and in 20 years, the U.S. will be a country of lost liberty; that radical Muslims of American society; that include terrorists waiting for amnesty; and that Obama is a Muslim. Saleem knows this because when Obama participates in the Pledge of Allegiance, he鈥檚 not really pledging but rather is in a Muslim prayer.

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