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人兽性交 Report: Nearly 100 Murdered by Stormfront Users

Almost 100 people were murdered over the last five years by registered users of Stormfront, the largest racist Web forum in the world, according to a released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The forum in effect acts to nurture budding killers and give them moral support, the report says.

Former Klan leader Don Black (right), seen here in an earlier era with David Duke, provides an electronic home and breeding ground for racists who have murdered nearly 100 people in the last five years. (The Tennessean / Jimmy Ellis)

A similar racist forum, Vanguard News Network (VNN), was used by neo-Nazi and former Klan leader Frazier Glenn Cook (formerly Miller), who was charged earlier this week with the murder of three people he mistakenly believed were Jews. Miller logged more than 12,000 posts on VNN in recent years.

Read the report .

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