Hatewatch Headlines – 5/14/14
: Federal judge strikes down Idaho’s ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional; LGBT couples may get married as soon as Friday.
: Sandy Hook “truther” steals memorial sign to young victim, tells mother her child didn’t really exist.
: Larry Pratt and Richard Mack have a plan to solve the West’s growing water problem: Send sheriffs to take it by force.
: Tea Party continues to stand behind Cliven Bundy and his cause, even after nakedly racist remarks.
: World Net Daily has suddenly changed its tune on Cliven Bundy’s craziness.
: The world didn’t end when Nevada’s GOP decided to drop opposition to abortion and gay marriage from the state platform.
: Why vaxxers, truthers, birthers, and Benghazi nuts all believe laughably untrue stuff – and why it matters.