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Hatewatch Headlines 8-11-14

: Prominent neo-Nazi's wife running for seat on Connecticut probate court.

: Study finds whites more likely to support tough criminal laws if they think more black people will be arrested.

New York Times: Mo Brooks' claims of a 'war on whites' are just another smokescreen to hide regressive racial politics.

: Ted Nugent mocks 'unclean dipshit' Native American protesters, calls claim that 'whites stole their land' 'bullshit.'

: David Barton warns that pro-choice candidates want to take away your property and your guns.

: Murietta businessman gets death threats directed at his family for taking in Central American refugee children.

: Fox News' Megyn Kelly develops a cozy relationship with anti-gay hate-group leader Tony Perkins.

: Texas lawmaker says militias have a 'right' to be on the Mexico border.

: Prominent local couple posts large reward for information on anti-Muslim hate flyers distributed in neighborhood.

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