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Anti-LGBT Extremists React with Outrage to Marriage Ruling

Reaction from anti-LGBT extremists to the U.S. Supreme Court鈥檚 that the Constitution guarantees the right to same-sex marriage was fast and furious, defiant and hysterical.

They called the 5-to-4 decision an 鈥渋llegitimate鈥 ruling by a 鈥淩ogue Court鈥 and, according to Westboro Baptist church, a 鈥渟tamp of approval on an outrageously grotesque sin against God. #doomed.鈥

In a series of tweets minutes after the decision was announced this morning, of the (AFA) compared the ruling to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and said that he spotted Satan celebrating.

鈥淚 saw Satan dancing with delight, the day the music died in the United States of American,鈥 Fischer tweeted.

鈥淔rom a moral standpoint, 6/26 is now our 9/11,鈥 Fischer whined in another tweet, adding that governors should defy the ruling and 鈥渞efuse to issue sodomy-based licenses in their states.鈥

In the AFA鈥檚 official statement, President the Supreme Court had chosen 鈥渢o be a tool of tyranny鈥 and that its ruling would 鈥渋mperil religious liberty in America, as individuals of faith who uphold time-honored marriage and choose not to advocate for same-sex unions will now be viewed as extremists.鈥

In a long written statement under the headline, 鈥淪COTUS Finds for Fiction and Iniquity 5-4,鈥 of the Illinois Family Institute said the ruling was produced from the 鈥渋maginations鈥 and 鈥渢he gaseous emanations鈥 of 鈥渇ive of our supremacist justices鈥 who 鈥渄iscerned a heretofore nonexistent constitutional requirement that homoerotic unions be recognized as 鈥榤arriages.鈥欌

Higgins predicted the decision would give 鈥渂irth to relentless cultural turmoil, division, and suffering,鈥 adding 鈥渢hese five judges have watered the seeds of strife planted by sexual anarchists.鈥

She concluded, 鈥淭his pernicious SCOTUS decision also provides evidence that the moral arc of America 鈥 at least with regard to marriage 鈥 bends not toward justice, wisdom, or morality but, rather, toward perversity and injustice. Liberals are once again on the shameful side of history and will once again foment cultural conflict and human suffering.鈥

In one of a series of tweets, Tony Perkins, who heads the Washington D.C.-based (FRC), called the ruling, a 鈥渟hocking abuse of power鈥 that 鈥渨ill never be accepted.鈥

In a longer statement on FRC鈥檚 website, Perkins said, 鈥淣o court can overturn natural law.鈥

鈥淚t is folly for the Court to think that it has resolved a controversial issue public policy,鈥 Perkins said in the statement. 鈥淏y disenfranchising 50 million Americans, the Court has instead supercharged this issue.鈥

In a statement, , a veteran of the anti-LGBT movement, called the ruling 鈥渋llegitimate.鈥

鈥淚n response to the ruling, Mr. Obama called it an example of 鈥榡ustice that arrives like a thunderbolt,鈥欌 Lively said. 鈥淭hat phrase turns logic and morality on its head as it relates to official government endorsement of sexual perversion.鈥

Mat Staver, founder and chairman of , also called the ruling 鈥渋llegitimate,鈥 adding it 鈥渞obs children of the right and joy of having both moms and dads.鈥

鈥淭he Court,鈥 Staver said, 鈥渃an no more redefine marriage than it can redefine gravity.鈥

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