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Hatewatch Headlines 8-20-15

: Ben Carson takes immigration debate to insane new low by proposing drone strikes on border immigrants.

: Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson argues that we ought to make undocumented immigrants into slaves unless they leave.

: Death-ray gun plot trial focuses on tape of man trying to sell device to Ku Klux Klan leader.

: Scott Lively warns Christians to prepare for relentless persecution in the wake of same-sex marriage ruling.

: St. Tammany Parish officials increase patrols in hopes of finding source of KKK flyers.

: Armed ‘patriot’ guarding ‘Muslim free’ gun store accidentally shoots himself.

: Immigration activist’s case against former Arizona Senate president Russell Pearce for blocking testimony wins legal revival.

: White school-board crowd boos NAACP, calls blacks ‘racist’ over objections to ‘Dixie’ fight song.

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