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Hatewatch Headlines 9/23/2015

Government haters lie low in CA; Bush bashes multicultural societies; Larry Pratt lashes out at media coverage; and more.

: Fire-torn Californians learn firsthand that sometimes, the government really is there to save you.

: Jeb Bush warns that a ‘multicultural’ society may lead to ‘retarded’ assimilation.

: Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt lashes out after media scrutiny of Ted Cruz ties reveals history of extremism.

: Donald Trump still defending his Muslim-hating supporter: The 9/11 attackers ‘didn’t fly back to Sweden.’

: Ben Carson’s Islamophobia isn’t just hateful – it doesn’t make any sense.

: Why is Utah Gov. Gary Herbert welcoming a hate group to his state with open arms?

: Conservatives’ venomous tirades against Pope Francis are the ultimate example of hypocritical rage.

: Tony Perkins wants no religious liberties for Muslims, since Islam is ‘incompatible with the Constitution.’

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