Hatewatch Headlines 10/5/2015
Why the Pope-Kim Davis story was a fiasco; Oregon sheriff’s gun views are extremist; Nazis roil rural Midwest communities; and more.
: It’s not surprising the Kim Davis visit with the pope was overblown, since it involved a mendacious hate group.
: AFA’s Bryan Fischer complains that the bullies in the ‘gay gestapo’ have intimidated the pope.
: That Oregon sheriff’s position on gun control is more radical than you think.
: Extremists claim that the massacre in Roseburg, Ore., is an example of white genocide.
: How Ben Carson reiterates the four racist assumptions endorsed and magnified by black conservatives.
: Christian group has Islam-fearing freakout over Georgia schools teaching basic facts about religions.
: Plan to create white rural enclaves in Kansas and Nebraska roils the residents of small communities.