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Hatewatch Headlines 10/12/2015

The Islamophobes’ warped belief systems; Alabama judge suggests a federal solution; Carson defends comments about Hitler; and more.

: A look inside the ‘Sharia law’ paranoia and confused belief systems of the Islamophobes.

: How anti-Nazi activists got a ‘black metal’ show in Tempe canceled.

: Far-right pundit Theodore Shoebat says people who won’t submit to Christianity should be killed.

: Alabama judge suggests having the federal government issue same-sex marriage licenses.

: String of vandalism hate crimes against churches being investigated by police.

: Swastika tagging at Long Beach church spurs community march against hate.

: Police arrest Hispanic gang members who beat up, hurled racial slurs at black Brooklyn man.

: Three Dallas gay bars attacked overnight as LGBT community faces increased violent attacks.

: Ben Carson defends his comments about Hitler, Nazis: ‘It’s not hyperbole.’

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