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Gun Buyer in 2014 Overland Park Killings Admits Guilt

A Missouri man has confessed to illegally buying and supplying racist murderer Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. with the shotgun he used in a听rampage targeting Jews last year in Kansas.

Three people 鈥 none of them Jewish 鈥 were fatally shot when Miller went on a shooting spree outside a Jewish Community Center and retirement community located in Overland Park, Kan.

John Mark Reidle, 48, of Aurora, Mo., pleaded guilty last month in U.S. District Court to a federal charge of making a false statement in acquisition of a firearm 鈥 admitting he bought the Model 870 shotgun Miller used in the April 13, 2014, shooting.听Reidle also is believed responsible for supplying Miller with a handgun -- apparently purchased at a gun show -- used in the murders.

Court documents say Reidle confessed to purchasing a Remington shotgun four days before the shooting at a Wal-Mart in Republic, Mo., 鈥渙n behalf of an acquaintance he identified as Frazier Glenn Miller,鈥 who also is known as Frazier Glenn Cross.

FBI agents located and questioned Reidle about the shotgun purchase a day after the shooting spree.听He was indicted on the federal firearms charge in May 2014.

鈥淭he defendant acknowledged that he was not truthful when he filled out the ATF Form 4473, in that he knew he was buying the gun on behalf of Frazier Glenn Miller,鈥 court documents say.

A sentencing date has not been set, but Reidle, who remains free on bond, could face up to 10 years in prison.

Reidle apparently shared Miller鈥檚 anti-Semitic beliefs and has flown a Nazi flag outside his ramshackle mobile home where he is self-employed as a junk dealer, the reported.

Miller told Reidle 鈥渢hat he wanted to purchase a shotgun for his son鈥檚 birthday, but did not have any identification鈥 to complete the purchase.听Because he was a felon, Miller couldn鈥檛 legally purchase firearms himself.

A blast from the shotgun claimed the life of William Lewis Corporon, a 69-year-old medical doctor as he was driving into the parking lot of the Jewish center.听His 14-year-old grandson, Reat Griffin Underwood, who was in the car, died from handgun wounds.听Terri LaManno, 53, of Overland Park, Kan., also died in the shooting spree.

The written plea agreement says it doesn鈥檛 prevent Justice Department prosecutors from charging Reidle with murder, attempted murder or conspiracy to commit those crimes.听But apparently, at this juncture, prosecutors can鈥檛 develop probable cause to prove Reidle had advance knowledge of Miller鈥檚 planned shooting spree.

It occurred a month after the life-long racist and former Ku Klux Klan leader learned he was terminally ill with emphysema.听He stood trial this past summer in Olathe, Kan., acting as his own attorney, claiming his racist beliefs directed him to target Jews to 鈥渟ave the white race.鈥

After the six-day trial, it took the same jury panel 90 minutes before deciding the 74-year-old former Army Green Beret and self-described anti-Semite deserved the death penalty for the murders.

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