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Hatewatch Headlines 11/19/2015

Deace cites anti-Semitic video to smear Muslims; Candidates avoid subject of extremist conference; KKK flyers spread in Oregon; and more.

: Right-wing host Steve Deace cites anti-Semitic propaganda video to claim Muslims have ‘brutal intentions.’

: Roanoke mayor cites Japanese internment to defend his effort to block refugee resettlement.

: GOP candidates really don’t want to talk about their attendance at ‘kill the gays’ conference.

: Iowa neo-Nazi stomps helpless black man’s face, knocks out woman who tries to intervene.

: How America in the age of decay became a civilization dominated by racism and rage.

: A look at the anti-immigration extremist who set the stage for Donald Trump’s xenophobic act.

: The courts should bring a halt to Kris Kobach’s bid to abuse voters’ rights in Kansas.

: Ku Klux Klan’s recruitment effort with flyers spreads from Portland suburbs to downstate towns.

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