Hatewatch Headlines 11/23/2015
Trump approves of crowd ‘roughing up’ heckler; ‘White student union’ page condemned; Roanoke mayor apologizes for remark; and more.
: Donald Trump says ‘disgusting’ Black Lives Matter heckler ‘maybe should’ve been roughed up’ by crowd.
: Trump tweets fake, racist and wildly inaccurate murder statistics about blacks.
: University of Illinois condemns ‘white student union’ Facebook page.
: World Net Daily pundit writes that U.S. should ‘wipe Mecca off the face of the earth.’
: Troy Newman, anti-choice extremist with a history of violent rhetoric, endorses Ted Cruz.
: New video shows white man punching out elderly black man in ‘knockout’ hate crime.
: Roanoke, Va., mayor apologizes for remark referencing Japanese-American internment to justify anti-refugee policies.
: Islamic extremists and the anti-immigrant far right both have the same goal – the death of democracy.