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Hatewatch Headlines 12/3/2015

Trump and Jones have on-air lovefest; Anti-abortion violence is on ‘alarming’ upswing; Teen caught plotting to kill Jews, blacks; and more.

: Donald Trump goes on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ radio show, mutual lovefest ensues.

: Shortly after hosting Trump, Jones theorizes that San Bernadino shootings are ‘false flag’ operation.

: The Colorado shooting comes amid an ‘alarming’ escalation of anti-abortion violence.

: Teen who formed ‘hit squad’ to kill Jews, black people caught by FBI, terrorism task force.

: Former inmates, some connected to white supremacist group, indicted in anti-minority terror plot.

Why so many rampage killers are symptomatic of our diseased white privilege.

: Arizona militiaman who drove cross-country to confront New York Muslims gets off with a warning from state police.

: Cops investigate beating, rape of gay man in Queens as possible hate crime.

: 27 examples of the ‘unprecedented’ spike in Islamophobic incidents in the United States.

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