Hatewatch Headlines 1/7/2016
Racial hostility heats up U.S. politics; Oregon sheriff vows there will be charges; Roy Moore tries again to stop gay marriage; and more.
: Racial identity, and its hostilities, are on the rise in American politics.
: Oregon sheriff promises that militiamen will face charges for taking over federal building.
: An expert on right-wing terrorism explains the militia movement behind the Oregon takeover.
: It’s not just Obama – militia groups thrived under the last Democratic president, too.
: Alabama chief justice Roy Moore tries once again to block gay marriage.
: How Alex Jones’ right-wing hucksterism has turned conspiracy theories into a religion.
: ‘White student unions’ cropping on more campuses around the United States.
: Former Klansman wants to help organize MLK parade, though he won’t renounce Klan.
: The role of the John Birch Society in the rise of the radical right.