Hatewatch Headlines 3/29/2016
New strategies for dealing with a new generation of hate groups; ‘Weev’ claims credit for anti-Semitic fliers; Trump voters are all about race; and more.
: As racial hate groups rise, so do new strategies to shut them down.
: Notorious hacker ‘Weev’ claims credit for anti-Semitic flyer sent to college campuses around the nation.
: Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, facing boycott threats, vetoes ‘religious liberty’ bill.
: Idaho ‘III Percent’ leader filed for bankruptcy after Malheur standoff – for the third time.
: South Seattle’s Africatown nonprofit vows to rebuild after burglaries, racist graffiti.
: Crestline woman pleads guilty to hanging mannequins with threats, targets attached to them.
: Tucker Carlson declares that anyone who points out white privilege ‘is by definition a racist.’
: Meet Frank Gaffney, the hatemonger behind Ted Cruz.
: Ex-Trump aide fired for racist Facebook rant now endorses Ted Cruz.
: Trump aide makes truly bizarre argument against allowing immigrants to come to America.
: Despite what Trump voters will tell you, yes, it’s about racial resentment.