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Notorious Neo-Nazi Hacker and White Supremacist Website May Face Fines for Anti-Semitic Trolling

The neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer and the blackout hacker Andrew Auernheimer, better known as 'weev,' could face fines under federal law for sending anti-Semitic flyers to college campuses.  

Andrew ‘Weev’ Auernheimer, the notorious neo-Nazi hacker who late this March blasted unprotected printers across the country with swastika adorned flyers promoting an anti-Semitic, white supremacist website, could face legal trouble because of his trolling.

Auernheimer and the website, the Daily Stormer.com, could be charged up to $500 in fines per flyer under the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005,

“The law prohibits parties from sending unsolicited advertisements to a fax machine without an established business relationship with the recipient and the recipient must have provided their fax number to the sender voluntarily,” the magazine reported.

The law stems from the idea that if organizations are forced to print materials and advertisements without their consent, their paper and ink are being stolen. “In other words, Weev potentially committed petty theft—and a lot of it,” the magazine reported.

Auernheimer alluded to the side effect of subverting the resources of the victims of his cyber attack.

“The sheer volume of paper one can generate with a single command is impressive,” Auernheimer bragged in a blog post following the incident. “An average pulping tree produces 8330 sheets of paper. That is a very small fraction of the number of devices we can print to on the public internet.”

, which appeared on printers and fax machines of colleges, universities, and unprotected office networks across the country, was addressed to white men.

“White man … are you sick and tired of the Jews destroying your country through mass immigration and degeneracy? Join us in the struggle for global white supremacy at The Daily Stormer.”

Auernheimer, who has a , argued on Twitter that he could not be fined under the law, as he is not an employee of the Daily Stormer, nor did he consult the website prior to the hack. He did, however, ask the website’s audience of 2.6 million people to design the code that was pushed to the printers.

In an , Andrew Anglin, the founder of The Daily Stormer, fully endorsed the weev’s actions.

“Of course I endorse it. Six million percent, I endorse this glorious action,” he said.

It is unknown how many flyers were printed, though some estimates put it in the thousands, meaning that potential fines could range into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. If he faces a fine for each flyer, this could prove a devastating financial blow to the Daily Stormer, which recently had its PayPal account shuttered and moved its contributions to BitCoin and GoogleWallet.

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