Hatewatch Headlines 4/15/2016
Liberty Counsel behind ‘bathroom bills’; Guns becoming more common in extremist violence; Veteran takes on anti-Muslim hate speech; and more.
: Anti-LGBT hate group Liberty Counsel is behind new ‘bathroom bills’ in 20 states.
: Tennessee Republican who sponsored anti-trans ‘bathroom bill’ is found to be ‘risk to unsuspecting women.’
: How journalists are grappling with the rampant ‘bathroom bill’ misinformation in North Carolina.
: Anti-choice leader expands on Trump positions, suggests punishing abortion ‘accomplices.’
: Firearms are increasingly the weapon of choice in extremist-related killings.
: Veteran takes on hate speech against Muslims, says ‘it’s unacceptable, it’s un-American.’
: As we saw in Wisconsin, voter-suppression bills are all about making voting so difficult that people give up.
: White councilman freaks out on black colleague for attending Kentucky Black Caucus event.
: Extremist sheriff David Clarke plans to appeal ruling that he turn over immigration records.