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Hatewatch Headlines 5/3/2016

How the election has spurred Islamophobia; Texas ‘constitutional’ sheriff wreaks chaos; Armed militiamen protest at mosque; and more.

: When Islamophobia turns violent, and how the 2016 presidential elections has spurred it.

: How a ‘constitutional’ sheriff in Texas brought chaos to her county.

: Nevada’s Bundy-loving Republican candidate Michele Fiore claims it’s OK to point a gun at cops if they aim first.

: This Trump-loving Kentucky Republican candidate shares some troubling views with Dylann Roof.

: Los Angeles police official steps down after racist Facebook posts are exposed.

: Armed militiamen demonstrate outside of Nation of Islam mosque in South Dallas.

: Man who sprayed racist white supremacist graffiti around campus charged with hate crimes.

: Trump ally Roger Stone has repeatedly advocated the violent murder of numerous public figures.

: Thanks to rampant Islamophobia, even a former mayor can’t get a mosque built in this New Jersey town.

: Ted Cruz joins forces with yet another anti-LGBT extremist.

: Neo-Nazi recruitment, anti-black flyers at Boston University prompt investigation.

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