Hatewatch Headlines 5/13/2016
Trump plays down Muslim ban now; Duke wants to be ‘insurance’ veep pick; Cavuto asks Arpaio for Latino outreach advice; and more.
: Donald Trump tries to have it both ways on planned Muslim ban, now says ‘it was just a suggestion.’
: David Duke wants to be Trump’s veep pick, says he’d be ‘life insurance’ for the Donald.
: Why a white nationalist is trying to board the Trump train.
: Trump gets the backing of activists who deny marital rape, oppose women’s suffrage.
: Self-described ‘extremist nut’ militiaman arrested after threatening governor’s staffer.
: Fox’s Neil Cavuto asks notorious anti-immigrant Sheriff Joe Arpaio for guidance on GOP outreach to Latinos.
: Director Leah Durant leaves front group ‘Progressives’ for Immigration Reform.
: George Zimmerman moves auction of gun that killed Trayvon Martin to new website.