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Hatewatch Headlines 5/18/2016

Mississippi school district ordered to desegregate; Facing up to the radical right and Trump; Woman harassed in Walmart bathroom; and more.

: Federal court orders large Mississippi school district to consolidate schools, end segregation.

: How we must face up to the rise of the radical right, as manifested by Donald Trump.

: Alex Jones declares that Michelle Obama ‘is a man,’ and murdered Joan Rivers to cover it up.

: Woman who cut hair to donate it is mistaken for transgender, harassed in Walmart bathroom.

: Texas Board of Education hopeful invokes Hitler after rivals call out her bizarre fearmongering.

: Bigotry, calls for violence follow protest of tribal fishing treaty in Washington state.

: A look inside the Michigan Militia.

: Washington Post columnist Thiessen peddles widely debunked anti-LGBT ‘bathroom predator’ myth.

: Exploitative financial scheme that fueled America’s racist housing legacy makes a comeback.

: What happened when the anti-Muslim ‘American Bikers United Against Jihad’ rode into Islamberg, N.Y.

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