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Hatewatch Headlines 6/20/2016

Democrats hold hearing on Malheur takeover; Trump says it’s time to consider racial profiling; N.Y. Nazi family terrorized their neighbors; and more.

: After Republicans refuse, Democrats hold their own hearing on the Malheur wildlife-refuge takeover.

: Donald Trump says the U.S. must ‘start thinking about’ racially profiling Muslim Americans.

: The Nazi family living in an abandoned Long Island home terrorized their neighbors, too.

: American neo-Nazi group leader says slain British MP ‘put a target on her back.’

: Alabama’s Baldwin County refuses to lower its flag to half-staff to honor victims of Orlando massacre.

: Battle over Confederate symbols continues with effort to change Mississippi’s state flag.

: LGBT rainbow ‘pride’ flag outside courthouse ‘unbearable’ for Christian employee, Florida commissioner says.

: Trump’s ‘Christian policy’ liaison says he’s ready to be thrown in a furnace in protest of LGBT equality.

: Young white man who posted threat to ‘shoot every black person I see’ during Missouri protests gets probation.

: Meet the shock troops of Trump’s America, personified in a Portland ‘Students For Trump’ group.

: How the media should interview a hate-group leader like Tony Perkins.

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