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Hatewatch Headlines 6/21/2016

Islamophobia tide is well funded; Fischer claims gays founded the Nazi Party; and more.

: Neo-Nazi group linked to murder of British MP has been long ignored by the U.S. media.

: Study finds anti-Muslim groups spent $206 million in promoting Islamophobia, record level of attacks in the U.S.

: False story on social media claims Syrian refugees raped Idaho girl.

: On World Refugee Day, Laura Ingraham accuses refugees of bringing disease to America.

: With Cliven Bundy behind bars, BLM moves to reassert authority over disputed lands.

: Trump-loving disgraced ex-cop recruits ‘lone wolf patriots’ to open fire on black protesters at GOP convention.

: The militia myth persists, even though an armed citizenry is not the best defense against state tyranny.

: Kansas City man charged after transgender woman repeatedly run over, killed.

: Revere Beach hammer attack on black and Hispanic teenagers results in hate-crime charge.

: Muslim man beaten on his way to local mosque in an apparent hate crime.

: AFA’s Bryan Fischer claims that ‘homosexuals were at the core of forming the Nazi Party.’

: Labels aside, we must be able to recognize extremism when we see it.

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