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Hatewatch Headlines 6/29/2016

Harney voters refuse judge’s recall by wide margin; Traditionalist Worker Party says it will be at GOP convention; ‘Patriot’ gets 22-month prison term; and more.

: Harney County voters refuse to recall judge who stood up to Malheur ‘patriots’ by 70-30% margin.

: Seeking earlier trial for the state, solicitor says federal trial for Dylann Roof ‘lacks relevance.’

: Racists, energized by Trump and the Brexit vote, are acting out more – sometimes violently.

: White nationalist group involved in Sacramento violence says it will be at Republican convention.

: Examining the white supremacist ideologue at the heart of Sacramento’s violent rally.

: Gastonia ‘patriot’ who swore to use bombs to fight federal takeover gets 22-month prison term.

: This hacktivist found a brilliant way to get back at neo-Nazis using their own tools.

: Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver criticizes Orlando memorials for turning into ‘homosexual love fests.’

: Militia activists say they warned Finicum family about the man now accused of attempting to bomb BLM facility.

: Actual cuckolds are pissed off at the Alt-Right for using ‘c---’ as an insult.

: Catholic Defense League’s Bill Donohue melts down when confronted with pope’s call for apologies to LGBTs.

: National Organization for Marriage’s annual anti-LGBT rally draws a tiny crowd of only 237 people.

: How real is the new far right? All too real.

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