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Hatewatch Headlines 7/19/2016

The stark change in the Republican Party; Jones says Trump champions their values; Steve King thinks whites have contributed the most; and more.

: How racial and cultural resentment have replaced the Republican Party’s small government ethos.

: For Donald Trump, it’s white America first.

: Alt-right trolls briefly take over when RNC enables the live chat feature on its video stream.

: Kris Kobach, Geert Wilders will lead the nativist parade at the GOP convention.

: White nationalists at the RNC don’t think Trump goes far enough.

: Alex Jones claims that Trump is bringing ‘our values’ into the mainstream.

: The most insane conspiracy theories on display at Jones’ pro-Trump rally in Cleveland.

: How major publications like the New York Times avoid using the ‘hate group’ designation for anti-LGBT groups.

: Republicans call on candidate for state legislative seat to step down after ugly anti-Obama post.

: Anti-Semitic graffiti painted on driveway at home of Jewish candidate for state House seat.

: Texas governor plans to launch bizarre anti-abortion strategy by bypassing legislature.

: Prosecutors reveal that Ryan Bundy attempted to escape from jail.

: Rep. Steve King claims that white people have contributed more to civilization than any other racial group.

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