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Hatewatch Headlines 8/17/2016

The dark history of Trump’s ascent; ‘Trump Youth’ run by Hitler apologist; Alabama lynching victims to be honored at memorial; and more.

: The dark history of Donald Trump’s right-wing revolt has deep roots in old racial resentments.

: Trump adviser clarifiers that Clinton should be executed, not assassinated.

: ‘Trump Youth’ group run by Hitler apologist vows it will teach millennials to root out ‘parasites.’

: Trump fans are about 4.2 times more likely to tweet about conspiracies, and follow Alex Jones.

: Why Trumpism will outlast Trump.

: Here’s what Trump said in that anti-LGBT rally in Orlando.

: Militiaman who advises Trump pleads guilty to charges in Bunkerville standoff.

: Prosecutors in Malheur standoff case admit to faux pas in Facebook account sharing.

: Memorial in Montgomery will honor the victims of Alabama lynchings.

: White nationalists, neo-Nazis, and ‘Patriots’ collaborate for Indiana event.

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