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Hatewatch Headlines 9/6/2016

Schlafly passes away at 92; Trump’s allies at Values Voters Summit; Breitbart smears Chobani owner in vile fashion; and more.

: Arch-conservative icon Phylis Schlafly dies at age 92.

: Meet Donald Trump’s far-right allies who’ll be players at the Values Voters Summit.

: Trump’s alt-right brain is helping a racist philosophy spread.

: African-Americans worry that Trump has awakened a resentment that won’t go away.

: CNN’s Erin Burnett presses Trump adviser on his appeal to white supremacists and the KKK.

: When Trump touts the ‘Mexico sends them’ myth, he’s channeling far-right immigration conspiracy theories.

: Trump still refuses to denounce the ‘birther’ movement, says ‘I don’t talk about it.’

: White nationalist group’s arrival on Murray State campus creates growing unease.

: The disgusting Breitbart smear against the immigrant owner of Chobani.

: FBI arrests Florida man for allegedly threatening to commit mass killing of gays.

: Idaho bus driver fired after video shows her pouring water on Latino student, ordering him to speak English.

: Minnesota camp cancels booking of Nordic heritage group with white supremacist bent.

: Indianapolis man arrested, accused of plotting act of domestic terrorism.

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