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Hatewatch Headlines 10/25/2016

Trump’s serial but subtle anti-Semitism; Trolls target journalists as ‘Lügenpresse’; NRA depicts America as a hellscape; and more.

: Donald Trump’s bigotry may be obvious at times, but his serial anti-Semitism is subtle.

: Meet Mike Cernovich, the mastermind of the alt-right’s pro-Trump meme trolls.

: The alt-right has adopted an old Nazi term – ‘Lügenpresse’ – to smear reporters.

: Trump defenders targeting critics with ‘#TheList’ hashtag.

: At his most unhinged, NRA’s Wayne LaPierre sends ‘urgent’ message to members describing USA as a hellscape.

: FRC’s Jerry Boykin warns that Muslims are ‘going to infiltrate every element of our lives, including the church.’

: Transgender woman claims she was thrown out of Uber car by driver who used crude remarks.

: Police investigating Naziesque anti-Semitic graffiti near University of Virginia campus.

: Man charged with hate crime for harassing Sikh man says he was acting out of concern for country.

: Police jail man after he threatens couple with racial slurs, claims he’s a white supremacist.

: A New Jersey town’s police-led anti-Kaepernick protest raises alarm with black police chiefs’ group.

: A guide to Oregon’s burgeoning ‘Patriot’ movement.

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