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Hatewatch Headlines 11/10/2016

Election 2016 and the culture wars; Klansmen raise their hoods in South; Oregon sheriff wins re-election; and more.

: The election was a cultural civil war in which liberalism lost and intolerance won.

: White nationalists rejoice at Trump’s victory.

: 10 reasons why Trump’s win is ‘white supremacy’s last stand.’

: Far-right nationalists, populists around the globe are the first leaders to congratulate Trump.

: Trump adviser Roger Stone promptly tweets out racist image of black rioters as ‘Hillary supporters.’

: Alabama Klansman explains flyers, vows to ‘hold Trump close’ to his promises to build wall.

: North Carolina police respond to reports of KKK march on bridge the morning after Trump wins.

: Pro-Trump Nazi graffiti was spray-painted on a window in downtown Philadelphia.

: Riding Trump’s wave, Breitbart News plans an expansion into Europe.

: The Founding Fathers ensured that rural white votes would count more than others.

: Controversial ‘constitutional’ sheriff Glenn Palmer elected to a fourth term.

: Nativist sheriff Paul Babeu takes a beating at the polls alongside Arpaio.

: Satan, the pope, and Dungeons and Dragons: How Jack Chick’s cartoon books informed fundamentalism.

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