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Hatewatch Headlines 11/15/2016

Trump ‘surprised’ by attacks on minorities; White nationalists happy about Bannon; Confederate flags at California parade; and more.

: On 60 Minutes, Trump is ‘surprised’ to hear of attacks on minorities, says he’d tell them to ‘stop it.’

: Trump’s selection of Stephen Bannon puts white nationalism in the White House, and proves he meant his racist rhetoric.

: White nationalists love Trump’s Bannon hiring: ‘With Trump, every day is Christmas.’

: Trump is scheduled to appear on Alex Jones’s conspiracist radio program to thank his audience.

: Five reasons why Ben Carson should never become the Secretary of Education.

: ‘I’ve never seen anything like that’: Confederate flags at California Veteran’s Day parade.

: A black man got a free Veteran’s Day meal at Chili’s in Cedar Hills, then a manager took it away.

: East Windsor video showing partygoers in KKK outfits, waving Trump signs, spurs probe.

: Ann Arbor police says woman forced to remove hijab after man threatens to set her on fire.

: Pro-Trump letters warns minorities to leave small Massachusetts town or die.

: Indiana church vandalized with racist, pro-Trump slurs.

: ‘Whites only,’ swastikas, and fake deportation letters are just some of what we’ve seen since the election.

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