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Hatewatch Headlines 11/21/2016

Trump fans get out Confederate flags; 5 things to know about Flynn; Alt-right retaliates against Twitter; and more.

: As Donald Trump rises, so do some hands waving Confederate flags.

: Here’s evidence that Stephen Bannon joined a Facebook group that posts racist rants and Obama death threats.

: Steve Bannon is not a Nazi – but let’s be honest about what he represents.

: Five key things to know about Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s national security adviser.

: White nationalists on Trump’s attorney-general pick: ‘It’s like Christmas.’

: David Duke thrilled over Trump’s ‘great’ picks of Bannon, Flynn, and Sessions: ‘Bravo!’

: How one lucrative ‘fake news’ website stokes the alt-right by playing fast and loose with facts.

: White nationalists like Richard Spencer believe their time has arrived.

: Key founder of alt-right movement describes the hateful white-nationalist agenda.

: Alt-right retaliates against Twitter bans by creating ‘fake black accounts.’

: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson calls the NAACP ‘discredited,’ asks, ‘Does that make me a racist?’

: ‘Nordic Order Knights KKK’ distribute recruitment flyer around Madison neighborhood.

: Malheur refuge occupier Ryan Payne seeks hearing on request to withdraw his guilty plea.

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