Hatewatch Headlines 1/17/2017
"Alt-Right" eats its own as ‘Enoch’ quits; Study of police views on race is revealing; Trump’s attack on Lewis a racist smear; and more.
: Neo-Nazi podcaster ‘Mike Enoch’ quits ‘The Right Stuff’ after "Alt-Right" dox reveal his wife is Jewish.
: Study of police officers’ feelings on race reveals we’re at a ‘crisis point,’ and how far we have to go.
: Donald Trump’s attack on John Lewis is also a racist smear against black communities.
: GOP county official in Georgia calls Lewis a ‘racist pig’ for his remarks about Trump.
: Operation Rescue wants Trump to name Alabama’s Roy Moore to the U.S. Supreme Court.
: Internet trolls unleash attacks on Washington Post reporter following completely made-up smear.
: FBI arrests wife of Orlando nightclub shooter for obstructing investigation of the case.
: College Republicans at Cal-Davis howl as protesters shut down Alt-Right event.
: The ‘stubborn and resilient nativism’ currently rearing its head has a long and deep history in American culture.
: Ku Klux Klan recruitment flyers distributed at campus, downtown, shopping center.
: Michigan mayor denies calling black people ‘chimps,’ says audio was timed just to embarrass him.
: Google apologizes for citing Robert E. Lee’s birthday instead of MLK Day in three states.
: This Martin Luther King Jr. quote perfectly sums up the rise of white supremacy post-Trump.