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Hatewatch Headlines 1/26/2017

Kobach says he advised Trump on voter fraud probe and immigration orders; Tracking hate crimes, and doing it better; Origins of the alt-right; and more.

: Trump to publish weekly list of crimes committed by undocumented workers in sanctuary cities.

: The Orwellian nightmare of LGBT rights under Trump includes a DOJ that may promote discrimination.

: Anne Frank Center addresses Trump executive orders, says he is ‘driving our nation off a moral cliff.’

: Read the leaked drafts of four White House executive orders on banning Muslims, ending DREAM program, and more.

: Kris Kobach says he advised Trump on voter fraud probe, immigration orders.

: In Trump’s America, Muslims increasingly want to explain to ordinary people who they really are.

: The problem with tracking hate crimes and incidents, and why it’s important to make the data better.

: The origins and ideology of the alternative right.

: Rape-promoting white nationalist Mike Cernovich announces new show on Right Side network.

: Laura Ingraham’s Lifezette scrubs Clinton ‘body count’ conspiracy-theory video.

: ‘Have a problem with degeneracy?’ Flyers promoting campus nationalists’ group roil Boise State.

: Hispanic woman returns from women’s march to find sign in yard: ‘White Lives Matter More!’

: Fake news purveyors run with bigoted attacks on women’s march organizer, and Google helps them profit.

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