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Hatewatch Headlines 2/7/2017

The dawn of white nationalist rule; Trump gives green light to violence; Alex Jones and those ‘alternate facts’; and more.

: A white nationalist government is upon us, and it could set us back 150 years.

: The extremist Islamophobes at the heart of Donald Trump’s White House.

: Trump’s proposed change to terrorism program would give green light to white supremacist violence.

: How Trump empowers white supremacists and jihadis alike.

: In an age of ‘alternate facts’ and Alex Jones, a massacre of schoolchildren becomes a ‘hoax.’

: How Stephen Bannon gets away with bringing white supremacy to Trump’s Oval Office.

: Neo-Nazis face a new foe online and in real life – the far-left ‘antifa’ movement.

: Claims of ‘homosexual agenda’ help kill hate-crimes laws in five states.

: From Holocaust denial to Hitler admiration, Google’s algorithm is proving dangerous.

: What you need to know about hate speech and free speech, and the distinctions that matter.

: White supremacist Craig Cobb eyes abandoned church in tiny town of Nome.

: Ex-convict who torched Orlando mosque after massacre gets 30-year prison sentence.

: Masked open-carry advocate arrested after carrying rifle into police station.

: Pro-LGBT claims are being used as a smokescreen for anti-Muslim attacks.

: How Richard Spencer’s hometown in Montana weathered a neo-Nazi ‘troll storm.’

: New Yorkers get out their hand sanitizers and erase subway swastikas.

: Richard Spencer deems Patriots’ Super Bowl victory a win for the ‘white race.’

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