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Hatewatch Headlines 2/27/2017

Vandals strike Philly Jewish cemetery; Trump ignores the recent spike in hate crimes; Holocaust scholar nearly deported; and more.

: Nearly 100 headstones toppled in a Philadelphia Jewish cemetery officials believe was ‘targeted.’

: Senior Trump aide Sebastian Gorka forged key ties with anti-Semitic groups in Hungary.

: Anti-Muslim hate crimes in the U.S. are spiking, and Donald Trump won’t speak up.

: U.S. customs officials detain, nearly deport French Holocaust historian arriving to give talk in Texas.

: Drunken gay basher tells Key West couple: ‘You live in Trump country now.’

: Indian family members of Olathe hate-crime victims advise countrymen not to go to the USA.

: A second Florida mosque hit by arson in the past six months, officials fear hate crime.

: Study finds that hate groups’ presence on social media has exploded in recent years.

: North Georgia white supremacist indicted for possessing deadly toxin ricin.

: CPAC organizer dismisses the alt-right as ‘garden variety left-wing fascists.’

: A look inside the compound of a Pennsylvania militia and its training sessions.

: The anti-LGBT National Organization for Marriage may be collapsing before our eyes.

: Racist white-nationalist posters are papered all over the city’s downtown.

: A conservative Catholic advises how to engage the alt-right with the proper wariness.

: Meet the 16-year-old Canadian girl who took down Milo Yiannopoulos.

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