Hatewatch Headlines 3/1/2017
Trump echoes conspiracy theorists; Jewish communities coping with threats; Two union leaders fuel immigration crackdown; and more.
: In remarks on anti-Semitism, Donald Trump echoes conspiracy theorists and white nationalists.
: How the Philly Jewish communities affected by the unprecedented wave of attacks are coping.
: As fear rises in Jewish communities, law enforcement officials look at overseas sources of threats.
: Arizona’s nativist ‘deplorables’ feud over whether Trump is tough enough on DACA kids.
: A look at the two union leaders who are driving Trump’s immigration enforcement crackdown.
: Alex Jones warns that witches are coming after Donald Trump ‘because he’s good.’
: A former neo-Nazi explains why it’s a mistake to ignore the threat and spread of white extremism.
: Infowars sponsors a journalist’s trip to Malmo, Sweden, but has trouble digging up much Muslim crime.
: Study finds right-wing media routinely criminalize immigrants in coverage.
: White Florida police chief resigns after making racist comment to department’s only black officer.
: Former occupier Cooper says Ammon Bundy plotted the Malheur takeover at secret meeting.